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The sky was an opal-grey, touched here and there with blue, and with certain faint russets that looked as if they were reflections of the colour of the autumnal woods below. I could hear the ploughmen shouting to their horses, the uninterrupted carol of larks innumerable overhead, and, from a field where the shepherd was marshalling his flock, a sweet tumultuous tinkle of sheep-bells.

So it was agreed that, the next day, he should go to help them gather the russets. They invited James to go too. The Pet Lamb. The next morning, James and Rollo went together to the farmer’s. They found George at the gate waiting for them, with his dog Nappy. As the boys were walking along into the yard, George said that his dog Nappy was the best friend he had in the world, except his lamb.

Yet the Roxbury Russets and Baldwins of that orchard had once been Billy Jacobs's great pride, the one point of hospitality which his miserliness never conquered. Long after it would have broken his heart to set out a generous dinner for a neighbor, he would feast him on choice apples, and send him away with a big basket full in his hands.

There was a beautiful meadow down a little way from Farmer Cropwell’s house, and at the farther side of it, across a brook, there stood a very large old apple-tree, which bore a kind of apples called russets, and they called the tree the meadow-russet. These were the apples that the boys were going to gather. They soon got ready, and began to walk along the path towards the meadow.

Malcolm; "if there's anything I like, it's apples." "I am afraid that you eat too many of them for your good," replied his governess; "I shall have to limit you to so many a day." "I have eaten only six to-day," was the modest reply, "and they were little russets, too." "Oh, Malcolm, Malcolm!" said Miss Harson, laughing; "what shall I do with you?

Difference of surface is secured by the use of materials which are permanent and durable in effect, such as wood, plaster, and leather. These may all be coloured without injury to their impression of permanency, although it is generally preferable to take advantage of indigenous or "inherent colour" like the natural yellows and russets of wood and leather.

Insensibly, as they mounted, the season had changed. The oaks that, at the level of Sycamore Flats, had been in full leaf, here showed but the tender pinks and russets of the first foliage. The dogwoods were quite dormant. Rivulets of seepage and surface water trickled in the most unexpected places as though from snow recently melted. Of climbing there seemed no end.

There was a touch of autumn in the air, and a black frost of the night before had left the sidewalks carpeted with the mottled roans and yellows and russets of the fallen leaves. Summer was over and gone. And all life, in some way, seemed to have aged with the ageing of the year.

Had I noticed whether the men on board were wearing russet or black as a rule, and did Alice remember whether it was one of the russets or one of the blacks that he was saying the other day pinched his toe?

There are also paradise ducks, hawks, terns, red-bills, and sand-pipers, seagulls, and occasionally, though very rarely, a quail. The paradise duck is a very beautiful bird. The male appears black, with white on the wing, when flying: when on the ground, however, he shows some dark greys and glossy greens and russets, which make him very handsome. He is truly a goose, and not a duck.