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When we came into the open ground, McCook directed Roberts's brigade now commanded by Colonel Luther P. Bradley to proceed a short distance to the rear on the Nashville pike, to repel the enemy's threatening attempt at our communications.

For the officers of the royal army it was no uncommon thing for a man to wait fifty years before being made a general, as lord Roberts's father waited; so, although it was very disheartening for Havelock to see young men, with not half his brains but with ten times his income, become captains and majors and colonels over his head, he knew well what he had to expect, and also that he possessed thousands of companions in misfortune.

It had been decided that any member might call a meeting, and the method was suggested by Belle. In each garden a spot was selected, an althea bush at the Partons', a corner of the hedge at the Roberts's, a cedar near the gate at the Whittredges', in which the summons, a tiny roll of paper tied with grass, was to be deposited.

Johnson. "Now, here you are. You'll find him in the first room on the right-hand side, at the top of the first flight of stairs." As soon as Juliet had started with the tray on which Roberts's tea was arranged, Mrs. Johnson went on talking to Mrs. Mitchell. "The house is not all furnished yet, and Roberts is not in the room which is really to be his.

When we came into the open ground, McCook directed Roberts's brigade now commanded by Colonel Luther P. Bradley to proceed a short distance to the rear on the Nashville pike, to repel the enemy's threatening attempt at our communications.

On the side of Snowdon are the remains of a large fort, to which we climbed with great labour. I was breathless and harassed. The Lakes have no great breadth, so that the boat is always near one bank or the other. Queeny's goats, one hundred and forty-nine, I think. We returned to Bangor, where Mr. Thrale was lodged at Mr. Roberts's, the Register. We went to worship at the Cathedral.

The public at home and the army in Africa became restless under the inaction, but it was one more example of the absolute soundness of Lord Roberts's judgment and the quiet resolution with which he adheres to it. He issued a proclamation to the inhabitants of the Free State promising protection to all who should bring in their arms and settle down upon their farms.

Schaefer's and Sill's brigades being without a cartridge, I directed them to fix bayonets for a charge, and await any attempt of the enemy to embarrass my retreat, while Roberts's brigade, offering such resistance as its small quantity of ammunition would permit, was pulled slowly in toward the Nashville pike.

Therein lay the true reason of their retirement, and in attributing it either to Lord Roberts's operations or to the beating we had given them on the 18th we made a mistake, which was not repaired until much blood had been shed. I draw a rough diagram to assist the reader who will take the trouble to study the map.

At the same time Pole-Carew with the central column of Lord Roberts's force had advanced along the railway line, and on August 24th he occupied Belfast with little resistance.