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Updated: August 10, 2024

The poor corporal, too weak to resist us, faint from bleeding and semi-stupid, suffered himself to be lifted upon the cloak, and never uttered a word or a cry as we bore him along between us. We had not proceeded far when we came up with a convoy, conducting several carts with the wounded to the convent of Reygern, which had now been fitted up as an hospital.

"What can it mean?" said I, to an officer beside me; "not his Majesty, surely?" "No, no," replied he, smiling: "it is General Lebrun on his way to Paris with the news of the victory. The Emperor is down at Reygern yonder, where he has just written the bulletin.

"I think the latter, Monsieur le Maréchal, for I heard no small arms; and, even now, all is quiet again." "I believe you are right," said he, moving slowly forward, while a number of officers followed at a little distance. "You see, D'Auvergne, how correctly the Emperor judged their intentions. The brunt of the battle will be about Reygern. But there! don't you hear bugles in the valley?"

Not but that Pioche is a brave fellow and a fine soldier. Sapristi! he 'd be no discredit to any girl's choice. But Minette " "Minette, the vivandière?" "Ay, to be sure, mon lieutenant; I'd warrant you must have known her." "What of her? where is she?" said I, burning with impatience. "She's with the wounded, up at Reygern yonder.

The mist from the lakes shut out the prospect of the enemy's lines at first; but gradually this moved away, and we could perceive the dark columns of the Russians, as they moved rapidly along the side of the Pratzen, and continued to pour their thousands towards Reygern.

A dull roar, like the sound of the distant sea, swelled along the lines from the far right, where the Convent of Reygern stood, and growing louder by degrees, proclaimed that the Emperor was coming.

In less than a hundred yards we were halted again; and I heard an aide-de-camp telling General d'Auvergne that Davoust had suffered immensely on the right; that his division, although reinforced, had fallen back behind Reygern, and all now depended on the attack of Soult's columns.

"Is he coming? can you hear any one coming?" said the young surgeon, in an anxious whisper to the soldier beside him. "No, sir; but he cannot be far off now," replied the man. "Shall I ride back to Reygern for assistance?" said I, in a low voice, to the surgeon.

May I ask how and when? "'Austerlitz, December 2. The order of four o'clock, dated from Reygern, says, "The Imperial Guard will follow closely on the track of the Russians." "'In that case, sir, said she, 'I cannot dispute his Majesty's orders. I shall dance the fifth with you." "And the Russian, what said he?" "Ma foi!

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