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"Cards till revelly." The listening officers laughed. But there was no softening of the captain's face. "Who played with you?" Matthews indicated the sutler and the sergeant by a sideways move of the head. "Them two," he answered. "Blakely?" "True true." And Blakely gave another bounce. "Sergeant?" "True's far's Hi know, sir." The thirty-six hours were now covered. Oliver sat down. "That'll do.

"Just before Revelly, me orf'cer bhoy comes out an' sez: 'Loose those men an' send thim to their tents! Scrub Greene wint away widout a word, but Peg Barney, stiff wid the cowld, stud like a sheep, thryin' to make his orf'cer undherstand he was sorry for playin' the goat. "There was no tucker in the draf' whin ut fell in for the march, an' divil a wurrd about 'illegality' cud I hear.

"Harry," said she, "I shall always think of you and that tune together. It is called the Revelly, which is a French word." "But the soldier is English?" said I. "Oh, I truly trust so a heart of oak, I should hope!

"Just before Revelly, my orf'cer bhoy comes out an' sez: 'Loose those men an' send thim to their tents! Scrub Greene wint away widout a word, but Peg Barney, stiff wid the cowld, stud like a sheep, thryin' to make his orf'cer understhand he was sorry for playin' the goat. "There was no tucker in the draf' whin ut fell in for the march, an' divil a wurrd about 'illegality' cud I hear.

When the men came, he halted and with pointed finger asked Matthews to repeat his story. The interpreter did so. "And how long did that game last?" demanded Oliver. Without looking in Kippis' direction, the interpreter answered. "Till revelly," he said. Fraser grunted, the surgeon smiled broadly. But the captain frowned. "Of that, later," he said significantly. "Kippis?"

"I have often thought of you, Harry," she went on, "as embracing a military career. Mr. Scougall very kindly allows me to choose surnames for you boys when you when you leave us. And here, though bound on my word of honour not to look, I felt sure she was smiling to herself in the glass. "What would you say if I christened you Revelly?" "Oh, please, no!" I entreated. "Let mine be an English name.

Oh my time past, whin I put me fut through ivry livin' wan av the Tin Commandmints between Revelly and Lights Out, blew the froth off a pewter, wiped me moustache wid the back av me hand, an' slept on ut all as quiet as a little child! But ut's over ut's over, an' 'twill niver come back to me; not though I prayed for a week av Sundays.

"Sargint, put a sintry over these two men." 'The men wint back into the tents like jackals, an' the rest av the night there was no noise at all excipt the stip av the sintry over the two, an' Scrub Greene blubberin' like a child. 'Twas a chilly night, an' faith, ut sobered Peg Barney. 'Just before Revelly, my orf'cer bhoy comes out an' sez: "Loose those men an' send thim to their tents!"

Oh my time past, whin I put me fut through ivry livin' wan av the Tin Commandmints between Revelly and Lights Out, blew the froth off a pewter, wiped me moustache wid the back av me hand, an' slept on ut all as quiet as a little child! But ut's over ut's over, an' 'twill niver come back to me; not though I prayed for a week av Sundays.

Those twelve hours accounted for, Matthews was shown innocent of planting the pole. "Tell me what you did yesterday from revelly on." "Slept till stables." "I know that's so," said Fraser. "After that?" Oliver asked. "I goes into the stockade. Little Thief was carving his bride." The captain glanced at Fraser. The latter nodded back. "I remember," said Oliver, slowly. "Then ?"