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Any variation in the quantity of the contents gives rise to a change in the pressure, therefore, the globe has been regarded as "an elastic capsule, whose capacity, form, and internal pressure depend on the balance struck between a constant inflow, or formation of aqueous, and a proportionate outflow or resorption."

Wormley as regards the possibility of identifying blood of different animals, the reader is referred to his book on Micro-Chemistry of Poisons. Amer. Micro. Jour. E. Joerss has investigated the question whether ointments made with vaseline or other petroleum ointments are really as difficult of resorption by the skin, or of yielding their medicinal ingredients to the latter, as has been asserted.

Of its marvellous tenacity and powers of resorption there can be no greater proof than the elimination of Buddhism from India, where, in spite of its tremendous uplift in the days of Asoka and the intermittent favours it enjoyed under later and lesser monarchs, it was already moribund before the Mahomedans gave it its final deathblow.

The resorption of the pus, always extremely easy and prompt when it is pure, becomes impossible through the presence of the parasites, whose entrance must be prevented by all possible means from the moment of confinement. Second observation. The fourteenth of March, a woman died of puerperal fever at the Lariboisiere hospital; the abdomen was distended before death.

Not many years ago, however, Sikhism, which began in Moghul times as a revolt against the social and religious trammels of Hinduism as well as against Mahomedan domination, seemed to be tending steadily towards resorption into the Hindu system.

Complete rest is provided for until all pain has subsided. Later, stimulating liniments are beneficial. Where no injury is done the periosteum or bone, complete resorption of all products of inflammation usually occurs, though in many instances, this is tardy six weeks or more are sometimes required for recovery to take place.

These exotic influences may indeed have acted as a further solvent upon Buddhism. But in any case, its local and temporary revival as a dominant state religion under Kanishka, whose empire did not long outlive him, failed to arrest its steady resorption into Hinduism. On the one hand, Buddhism itself was losing much of its original purity.

The position of the patient is determined by his dyspnea; he should lie in the position most comfortable for him. The fluid should be withdrawn slowly and the pulse carefully watched. The withdrawal of a small amount of fluid may later seem to be the starting cause of resorption of the rest of the fluid.

In most cases after the acute inflammatory period has passed, lameness is slight, if at all present, and in time no interference with the subject's usefulness is occasioned because of the curb, but the animals often remain blemished complete resorption of inflammatory products being unusual when much disturbance has existed. Treatment.

Small blisters, properly applied, have many times seemed to be the determining factor in stopping the increase in the fluid, or to have been the starting cause of the resorption of the exudate. Saline purging should be governed by the character of the circulation. If the heart is strong, the pulse not weak, and the blood pressure good, nothing is more valuable in this condition.