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If the heart is given all the rest possible during the acute phase of the disease, there will be less likelihood of the surfaces becoming so irritated that adhesions readily form. Anything which permits complete absorption and resorption of tile exudate will tend to prevent these hampering adhesions.

The application of blistering agents is of no value in stimulating resorption of an excessive amount of synovia in chronic cases and the actual cautery when employed without perforation of the synovial structure, is of little benefit.

There is nothing more easy to superpose as it were two distinct diseases and to produce what might be called a SEPTICEMIC PURULENT INFECTION, or a PURULENT SEPTICEMIA. Whilst the microbe-producing pus, when acting alone, gives rise to a thick pus, white, or sometimes with a yellow or bluish tint, not putrid, diffused or enclosed by the so-called pyogenic membrane, not dangerous, especially if localized in cellular tissue, ready, if the expression may be used for rapid resorption; on the other hand the smallest abscess produced by this organism when associated with the septic vibrio takes on a thick gangrenous appearance, putrid, greenish and infiltrating the softened tissues.

With the rupture of the abscess, the entrance of poisons into the free peritoneal cavity, and their resorption by the extensive peritoneal surfaces, as well as the vomiting and the intestinal paralysis, ceased. The taking of nourishment again be came possible.

A stimulating liniment is beneficial when employed several times daily and massage is also quite helpful. Later, the application of a blistering ointment is good treatment. The use of the actual cautery stimulates prompt resolution, but there is seldom any resorption of products of inflammation following firing.