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From 1842 to 1846 he was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives, and was, from 1850 to 1852, a member of the State Senate. He was Major of the Thirty-First Illinois Infantry, but resigned on account of ill health in the early part of the war. In 1864 he was elected a Representative to Congress from Illinois, and was succeeded in the Fortieth Congress by Green B. Raum.

Frederick Douglass, America's most representative colored man, was born a slave, reared in bondage, liberated by his own exertions, educated and advanced by sheer pluck and perseverance, to distinguished positions in the service of his country, and to a high place in the respect and esteem of the whole world.

That the latter are so we have strong evidence in Mysore, and in looking over the annual addresses of the Dewan at the meeting of the Representative Assembly of Mysore, I am struck with the frequent allusion to scarcities and grave apprehensions of famine.

This is but a trifle. Add to it as much more." When the civil war broke out, Antony joined the party of Caesar, who, knowing his popularity with the troops, made him his second in command. He did good service at Pharsalia, and while his chief went on to Egypt, returned to Rome as his representative.

He regarded Christianity as a type of existent civilization, which ought to be reverenced, as one might recognize the other types of that civilization; such as the liberty of the press, the representative system, white neckcloths and black coats of an evening, etc.

Its special character does not consist merely in freedom in images; what distinguishes it from association and from memory is this that what is merely representative is taken for the reality. Mystic imagination presupposes an unconditioned and permanent belief. Mystics are believers in the true sense they have faith.

It refreshes the mind; and all you need in order to do it is a pair of sturdy legs...." What then is the teaching that we get out of Gorky's works? For, faithful to Russian tradition, he does not practise art for art's sake. His "barefoot brigade" and his "restless" men are generally considered as representative of his own ideals.

He had scarcely uttered this sentence when the door of his cell was opened with a creaking of hinges and bolts; a man the jailer appeared in a great rage, and said to him, "Hold your tongue!" The Representative of the People, somewhat bewildered, asked for an explanation. "Hold your tongue," replied the jailer, "or I will pitch you into a dungeon."

The mixed commissions organized under claims conventions concluded by the Chilean Government with certain European States have developed an amount of friction which we trust can be avoided in the convention which our representative at Santiago is authorized to negotiate.

Well, let it rest for a day or two. Mr. Pless has sent a representative to see me." I scowled at my secretary, and he had the sense to hide his astonishment. The fellow repeated what he had said before, and added a few instructions which I was to follow with care if I would do Mr. Pless the honour to wait upon him that evening at the Rempf Hotel. "You may tell Mr.