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But Quince and I were after him like a flash, followed leisurely by Lovell. As he slacked his mount to enter the mass of animals, I passed him, jerking the bridle reins from his hand.

Alexyéi Sergyéitch drove him himself with the ends of the reins wound round his fists. "Well, robber, hast thou gathered a big lot of stolen goods?" he would say, looking the robber straight in the eye. "Everything is according to your grace," Antíp would reply merrily. "Grace is all right, only just look out for thyself, Micromegas! Don't dare to touch my peasants, my subjects behind my back!

"A farmhouse three miles out of Lorn." "Which side of Lorn?" "Well, if I'm the same side of Lorn as I was at one o'clock this afternoon, it's the other side." "Well, but aren't you?" "My dear girl, I don't know." She laughed. "Well, I'm going to Lorn, any way," she said, "so come along." "Heaven will reward you," said I, and climbed into the cart. "You'd better drive." I took the reins.

Al yanked hard on the bridle reins, then rode back and struck him sharply with his quirt before Snake would rouse himself enough to move forward. He went stiffly, reluctantly, pulling back until his head was held straight out before him. Al dragged him so for a rod or two, lost patience and returned to whip him forward again. "What a brute you are!" Lorraine exclaimed indignantly.

Some time before this, I, finding it difficult to hit a flying mark, when embarrassed by the coachman's person and reins intervening, had given to the guard a Courier evening paper, containing the gazette, for the next carriage that might pass. Accordingly he tossed it in so folded that the huge capitals expressing some such legend as GLORIOUS VICTORY, might catch the eye at once.

"I gave you the option of a Virginia prison for conspiracy to murder, or a run for your life in your own boat beyond the Capes. You have chosen the second alternative; if you care to change your decision " Oscar gathered up the reins and waited for the word. Claiborne held his watch to the lantern. "We must not miss our train, my dear Jules!" said Durand.

They have no reins to govern the dogs, or stop them in their course, but the driver sits upon his sledge, and keeps himself as steady as he is able, holding in his hand a short stick, which he throws at the dogs if they displease him, and catches again with great dexterity as he passes.

As Austen took the reins the secretary looked up at him, his mild blue eyes burning with an unsuspected fire. He held out his hand. "I want to congratulate you," he said. "What for?" asked Austen, taking the hand in some embarrassment. "For speaking like a man," said the secretary, and he turned on his heel and left him.

This said, each damsel took the reins of her knight, and they led them to the parting of the three ways. Here the knights took oath to meet at the fountain that day twelvemonth if they were living, kissed each other, and departed, each knight taking his chosen lady on his steed behind him.