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They therefore acted as if the attack on the guard at Shapuree had been the action of the Viceroy of Aracan alone, and addressed a declaration to the Burmese government, recapitulating the facts of the case, pointing out that Shapuree had always been acknowledged by Burma as forming part of the province of Chittagong, and calling upon the government to disavow the action of the local authorities.

Had she thought of recapitulating in her memory all that had ever passed between Mr Moffat and herself, she would have found that it did not amount to more than the most ordinary conversation between chance partners in a ball-room. Nevertheless, she was to be Mrs Moffat.

He was sorry, however, that so many things had been found amiss: and then he rose from his chair to escape. Mrs. Proudie, though she had contrived to lend her assistance in recapitulating the palatial dilapidations, had not on that account given up her hold of Mr. Harding, nor ceased from her cross-examinations as to the iniquity of Sabbatical amusements.

Dacre therefore wrote to tell her of the discovery, and recapitulating the contents of the enclosed document, added that the king desired to know whether she had consented to it of her own free will, why it was done, whether she herself sent the copy, or if not who did send it, and with what intent. Margaret replied by an indignant but weak denial.

"Now," continued his mother, "let me recapitulate what I have taught you." "What do you mean by recapitulating it?" said Nathan. "Why, tell you the substance of it, so that you can write it down easier." "O, I can write it now," said Rollo; "I remember it all." "Can you remember it, Nathan?" said his mother. "Perhaps I can remember some of it," said Nathan.

"A young, well-looking, man-friend!" says Algy, slowly recapitulating all my admissions as he lies gently puffing on the rug beside me. "Well?" "Well!" echo I, rather snappishly. "Nothing! only that I wanted to show you that it was not quite such a duet as you imagined! Of course Dresden is not a big place of course we met very often, and went here and there together."

Even now, I do not offer myself empty-handed. This is the sum that you yourself agreed I should show myself possessed of; but there is more where this comes from. I ask again, then, give me my fair chance with Harry: let her choose between me and this man Coe." This was a wily speech; for Richard was recapitulating the very arguments which were presenting themselves to the old man's mind.

Beside this, it was a most perilous time for a priest to think of wedlock. Things might change. Hope told that "flattering tale" which she is so fond of recapitulating to young people often most unjustifiably. Who could tell what might happen, if they waited? Meanwhile, what was happening was not particularly cheering, at least to the apprehension of the Gospellers.

He then illustrated the history of that religion by recapitulating the difficulties it had to encounter through ages of persecution; commented upon the ecclesiastical hierarchy established under Constantine, and the abuses arising from the policy of the Church of Rome, until their final exposure by Martin Luther, out of which emanated the Protestant faith.

I tried to stop him. Ottilia rose, continually assenting, with short affirmatives, to his glorifying interrogations a method he had of recapitulating the main points. She glanced to right and left, as if she felt caged. 'Is it known? I heard her ask, in the half audible strange voice which had previously made me tremble. 'Known?