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The next day, Lord Saxingham went to his office in Downing Street as usual, and Lady Florence and Ernest found an opportunity to ramble through the grounds alone. There it was that occurred those confessions, sweet alike to utter and to hear. Then did Florence speak of her early years of her self-formed and solitary mind of her youthful dreams and reveries.

This is considered by the people here a sublime and magnificent cataract, and it is very fine in its way, and abundantly makes up in beauty for what it lacks in awfulness; it is a charming thing to look at, and listen to, and ramble about; and though it does not thunder and plunge and roar, like Niagara, it glads the hearts of all who behold it it manufactures quite as radiant bows in the sunshine, and makes soft, musical, lulling sounds enough to soothe all the peevish and restless children in the world to sleep.

The ramble was very pleasant, along the hedge-lined roads in which there were flowers blooming, and the varnished holly, certainly one of the most beautiful shrubs in the world, so far as foliage goes. We saw one cottage which I suppose was several hundred years old.

During that winter ramble, she owned to herself for the first time that her father had been right in his judgment respecting their cousin, and that she, by her pertinacity, had driven her father on till on her account he had been forced into conduct which was distasteful to him.

It was certainly a strange experience to be on a moonlight ramble with a girl thief who had, according to her own confession, been born in Paris the daughter of a man who was still one of Il Passero's clever and desperate band. "Yes, m'sieur," she said a few moments later. "They are all dangerous. They do not fear to use the knife or automatic pistol when cornered.

The pair left the children and nurse to continue their ramble, and went back together. In age well-balanced, in personal appearance fairly matched, and in domestic requirements conformable, in temper this couple differed, though even here they did not often clash, he being equable, if not lymphatic, and she decidedly nervous and sanguine.

Roger, after a long ramble in the park with his fair tormentor, returned about noon, flushed and excited. "Armstrong, old man," said he, "what's to be done? She's kind to me horribly kind; but whenever I get near the subject she laughs me off it, and holds me at arm's length. What's the use of my name and my money and my prospects, if they can't win her?

The evening after their arrival in Cairo, by way of what is called 'a lark, in spite of the protestations of people who were better informed than themselves, they insisted on going, alone, for a ramble through the native quarter. They went, but they never returned. Or, rather the two girls never returned. After an interval the young man was found again, what was left of him.

'You see, sir, I am come, according to promise! I exclaimed, assuming the cheerful; 'and I fear I shall be weather-bound for half an hour, if you can afford me shelter during that space. 'Half an hour? he said, shaking the white flakes from his clothes; 'I wonder you should select the thick of a snow-storm to ramble about in. Do you know that you run a risk of being lost in the marshes?

Savage's life any part of his character to be the first of the company that desired to separate. He would willingly have gone to bed in the same house, but there was not room for the whole company, and therefore they agreed to ramble about the streets, and divert themselves with such amusements as should offer themselves till morning.