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I suspect there must have been somewhere "un guerriero qualunque" so constructed that his head could be cut off, and that he had been disguised as and substituted for the Duca d'Avilla when Ferrau appeared to kill that warrior, for, without trickery, no sword in the teatrino, not even la Durlindana, could have cut off a head which had an iron rod running through it.

Old Charon, in his boat, "with eyes of brass, who beats the delaying souls with uplifted oar," is taken directly from Dante:— Caron demonio con occhi di bragia Loro accenando, tutte le raccoglie, Batte col remo qualunque si adagia. Those portions of the fresco in the semicircular spaces at the top, angels bearing implements of the Passion, appear to have been painted the last.

Angelo would not hear of anything of the kind; we must think of something less complicated. It would never have occurred to him to read for Metaphysics under M and for China under C, and combine the information into the article that appeared in the Eatanswill Gazette as a review of a work on Chinese Metaphysics. He asked if I had not lately had "una disgrazia qualunque."

Then I came upon a miscellaneous collection and could look at no more knights or ladies after I had found the devil. He was not The Devil, he was only "un diavolo qualunque," but he was fascinating, and he had horns and a tail Pasquale and the other youths showed me his tail very particularly and laughed at him cruelly for having one.

None of these critics doubt for a moment that what was theoretically best ought to have been found practically feasible. St. Fior. lib. iii. 1. 'Firenze a quel grado è pervenuta che facilmente da uno savio dator di leggi potrebbe essere in qualunque forma di governo riordinata.

And there was "un gigante qualunque" the raw material for a giant, something that could be faked up into this or that special giant when wanted. Similarly there was a lady having her dress and wig altered, they told me she was "una donna qualunque" the very words I had seen a few weeks previously written up in Rome to advertise a performance in Italian of A Woman of no Importance.

This, Pasquale said, represented "una citta qualunque." The collection of little wooden houses on Captain Shandy's bowling-green was not a more perfect Proteus of a town than Pasquale's back cloth. This evening it was Barcelona. In front of it, about halfway to the footlights, was a low wall of fortifications.

Se al passato v'e rimedio, essa lo prescrive, lo somministra, presta lume e vigore per metterlo in opera a qualunque costo; se non v'e, essa da il, modo di fare realmento e in effeto, cio che 1' uom dice in proverbio, della necessita virtu.