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Each counter was covered with a number of huge milk-pans, from which the girl was carefully skimming the thick, yellow cream. She worked methodically; and the rich fat dropped with a heavy "plonk" into the small pail she carried, in a manner which testified to the quality of the cream.

You could move the gun diagonally in any direction in one motion, but you had to push or pull the opposite way. Something would go plonk when the trigger was pulled on an empty chamber, so I did some dry practice at the crests of waves. "Now, mind," Tom was telling me, "this is a lot different from a pistol." "So I notice," I replied.

Stretcher-bearers for the Turks, please." Or he would hurl the bomb high into the air, so that it burst above the enemy like a rocket or a star-shell. He would blow a long whistle, as it shot skyward, and say "PLONK!" as it exploded into a shower of splinters. For Doe was young and effervescing with life. He enjoyed himself, and his bombers enjoyed him as their officer.

When things were quiet again I distinctly heard plonk, plonk, plonk, the sound made by hand grenades, rising from the lower ground in front, this was soon followed by the fainter cracking of a machine gun and a brilliant Verey light, which I concluded was from three to four miles away.

"Sixty," agreed Will, who had paced beside him. "It's your choice. Will you get busy?" "All right." Will stepped on to the mark confidently, raising his gun with the surety of a man who does not know what it means to miss. Yet, before dropping the hammer, he braced himself with unusual care. "Plonk!" The bullet struck the box.

Any sort of a game. An innings for a Kindergarten v. the Second Eleven of a Home of Rest for Centenarians would have soothed him. There were times, when the sun shone, and he caught sight of white flannels on a green ground, and heard the "plonk" of bat striking ball, when he felt like rushing to Adair and shouting, "I will be good.

Any sort of a game. An innings for a Kindergarten v. the Second Eleven of a Home of Rest for Centenarians would have soothed him. There were times, when the sun shone, and he caught sight of white flannels on a green ground, and heard the "plonk" of bat striking ball, when he felt like rushing to Adair and shouting, "I will be good.

Let up I say this is awful.... Good God, here's Lady Plonk, the Mayor's wife!" "You shall introduce me, Lovely One but no, we mustn't annoy ladies. You must not go trying to introduce your low companions nay, relations to Lady Plonkses. Step out and look happy." "Dam for God's sake, let me go! I didn't know you, old chap. I swear I didn't. The disgrace will kill me. I'll give you "

It was at the complete fall of darkness that the door slammed closed, and half a dozen shots rang out through the building, followed by the "plonk" of the bullets embedding themselves in the solid logs immediately behind where the rancher had been standing. But Jeff was no longer there. There had been a simultaneous clatter of falling bunk boards. There was the rustling of straw.

Reaching the rail of the ship, with the strength of madness she lifted him up he was a thin little rat of a man and dropped him calmly overboard. There was a heavy plonk and a rush of feet as Knollys, who had watched fascinated, ran down the companion-way with another man. She looked at her hands distastefully.