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That richly designed, freely wrought plastering of our old houses was done with a slowly drying tough plaster, that encouraged the hand like modeller's clay, and could not have been done at all with the brittle plaster used in ceilings nowadays, whose excellence is supposed to consist in its smoothness only.

If you want variety, we will climb four flights of stairs, with half the plastering knocked off the walls, and talk with an English woman.

The walls had a beautiful hard finish, the woodwork was tinted light green and the new flag-bottomed chairs were painted black. Between the rough boots of the country youths and the chairs pushed or tipped against the wall, both woodwork and plastering were almost ruined, and the new house carried a lasting reminder of the festivities.

Dear, oh dear, what a fool I had been to softly swallow the flattery of Mr Grey without a single snub in return! To make up for my laxity, if he continued to amuse himself by plastering my vanity with the ointment of flattery, I determined to serve up my replies to him red-hot and well seasoned with pepper.

There was nothing to the job but to install plumbing, move one partition, patch the plastering, and close chimney and other pipe openings cut in the days when stoves, rather than fireplaces, furnished heat. We engaged a good local man who, with his crew of four or five helpers, was accustomed to doing everything from carpentry to plumbing.

Blyth reads the contents rather gravely on this occasion; rapidly plastering his last morsels of waste paint upon the paper as he goes on, until at length it looks as if it had been well peppered with all the colors of the rainbow. Zack's third letter of complaint certainly promised serious domestic tribulation for the ruling power at Baregrove Square:

The wind, entering at the end of a session, displaced a hanging above the studio door, revealing in bold script upon the plastering Béranger's famous line: "Dans un grenier qu'on est bien á vingt ans!" "Did you write that there?" asked the girl. "Seven long years ago. And meant it, every word." "How did you come to know Béranger?" "I'm French born."

Another is tugging at a thick pole just below you. Slowly he tows it out in front, balances a moment and lets it go good! squarely across the break. Two others are cutting alders above; and here come the bushes floating down. Over at the damaged house two beavers are up on the walls, raising the rafters into place; a third appears to be laying on the outer covering and plastering it with mud.

"This is the quietest place in the Rocky Mountains most of the time. But when it is noisy, believe me, it is noisy. Look at the bullet-holes in the walls." "The old story," remarked de Spain, inspecting with mild-mannered interest the punctured plastering, "they always shoot high."

The bed, whereon of nights Corporal Speck reposed with a bucking bronco of an eight-year-old grandson for a bedmate, was jammed close against the plastering, under the one small window set diagonally in a jog in the wall, and opening out upon an airshaft, like a chimney.