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Skiagrams of the hands and feet show a deposit of new bone along the shafts of the phalanges. New growths which originate in the skeleton are spoken of as primary tumours; those which invade the bones, either by metastasis from other parts of the body or by spread from adjacent tissues, as secondary.

The large bone above the heel bone, the astragalus, articulates with the tibia, forming a hinge joint, and receives the weight of the body. The metatarsal bones, corresponding to the metacarpals of the hand, are five in number, and form the lower instep. The phalanges are the fourteen bones of the toes, three in each except the great toe, which, like the thumb, has two.

In Equus, finally, the crowns of the grinding-teeth become longer, and their patterns are slightly modified; the middle of the shaft of the ulna usually vanishes, and its proximal and distal ends ankylose with the radius. The phalanges of the two outer toes in each foot disappear, their metacarpal and metatarsal bones being left as the "splints."

What a pair of collar-bones he must have! That little feat of Atlas would be child's-play to him; for he could step off with a whole orrery on those shoulders. And his hands! what Liliputian phalanges, which Beau Brummel, or D'Orsay, or any other professional dandy might die envying! As for the King of Hearts, he looks as much like a pet of the fair sex as Boanerges or Bung the Beadle.

Because of the fact that the long digital extensor is the only extensor of the phalanges of the pelvic limb, its rupture or division constitutes a troublesome condition, which in some cases does not readily respond to treatment.

There is little doubt that defective nutrition and bad hygienic surroundings are prominent factors in its production. The principal pathologic change is seen in the epiphyseal lines of long bones and beneath the periosteum. In rachitis epiphyseal swellings are seen at the wrists and ankle-joints, and in superior cases at the ends of the phalanges of the fingers and toes.

The radiant faces of the boys peeped out from among the phalanges of their no less radiant people.

A remarkable feature of this disease is the frequent presence of a deformity of the great toe, which usually takes the form of hallux valgus, the great toe coming to lie beneath the second one; the shortening is usually ascribed to absence of the first phalanx, but it has been shown to depend also on a synostosis and imperfect development of the phalanges.

On city streets, horses shod with shoes having long calks get caught in frogs of street railways or by slipping on rails, and phalangeal bones are often broken. Symptomatology. Fracture of the phalanges is nearly always signalized by lameness, and this is marked during the period of weight bearing.

Daily injections for three, four or five days, are not harmful and will control infection in many instances. Thecitis and Bursitis. Etiology and Occurrence. The thecae and bursae of the leg are several in number. In the carpal region, the flexors of the phalanges are contained together in the carpal sheath, and this is the principal theca in the carpal region.