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Acute bursitis and thecitis is of frequent occurrence in horses because of direct injury from contusion, punctures and other forms of traumatism. These synovial membranes, with few exceptions, when inflamed occasion a synovitis that may be very acute, yet there is less manifestation of pain than in arthritis.

The same proportionate amount of irritation affects this part of the leg, owing to strains, as affect the carpus from a similar cause; and synovitis from this cause, is as frequent in one case as in the other. Therefore, it is a natural sequence that the tendon sheaths of the metacarpophalangeal region are frequently distended because of chronic synovitis and thecitis.

However, in general practice a classification on an etiological basis is probably more practical and we shall consider inflammation of bursae and thecae as infectious and noninfectious. Infectious bursitis and thecitis is usually the result of direct introduction of septic material into the synovial structure by means of injuries.

Daily injections for three, four or five days, are not harmful and will control infection in many instances. Thecitis and Bursitis. Etiology and Occurrence. The thecae and bursae of the leg are several in number. In the carpal region, the flexors of the phalanges are contained together in the carpal sheath, and this is the principal theca in the carpal region.

Needless to say, the skin must be kept perfectly clean and the dressings free from all irritating substances. The fact that tendons or ligaments which are ruptured, do not regenerate as readily as in cases where traumatic or surgical division occurs, must not be lost sight of, and prognosis is given in accordance. Thecitis and Bursitis in the Fetlock Region. Etiology and Occurrence.