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Updated: August 26, 2024

It surely cannot be necessary to suggest the dangers arising from an untidy sink in which refuse of various kinds tea leaves, coffee grounds, vegetable parings, and the like is allowed to accumulate. Unsanitary conditions about the sink not only are unsightly, but attract roaches and breed germs which are a menace to life and health.

Pare the patient's nails when the fit is coming on, & put the parings into a little bag of fine linen or sarsenet, & tie that about a live eel's neck in a tub of water. The eel will die & the patient will recover. And if a dog or hog eat that eel, they will also die." "The man recovered of the bite, The dog it was that died!"

This prolific and valuable deposit that covers Broome Street bears perennial crops: in the spring and summer, dirty-faced children and mean-looking dogs seem to spring from it spontaneously; they are succeeded during the colder weather by a crop of tumble-down barrels, and cast-away broken carts; while the humbler and more insignificant things, the uncared for weeds, so to speak, of the abundant harvest, such as potato parings, and fish heads, and shreds of ragged dish-cloths, and bits of broken crockery, and old bones, are in season all the year round.

Mind, in this proper sense of the word, is the residue of existence, the leavings, so to speak, and parings of experience when the material world has been cut out of the whole cloth. Reflection underlines in the chaotic continuum of sense and longing those aspects that have practical significance; it selects the efficacious ingredients in the world.

"The devil he did, and me in such a plight, too, with that awful accident below!" cried Captain Applegarth angrily. "I suppose he's thinking of his belly again, the gourmandising little beast! He isn't half a sailor or worth a purser's parings! I'll make him pay for his skulking presently, by Jingo!

It seemed to Maida that she never would accomplish it. She spoiled three apples before she succeeded. “Now take your apple-paring and form in line across the kitchen-floor,” Laura commanded. The flock scampered to obey her. “Now when I say ‘Three!’” she continued, “throw the parings back over your shoulder to the floor.

The strippings and parings of the vegetables, the scourings of the markets, the refuse that fell from that colossal table, remained full of life, and returned to the spot where the vegetables had previously sprouted, to warm and nourish fresh generations of cabbages, turnips, and carrots. They rose again in fertile crops, and once more went to spread themselves out upon the market square.

Charlie, who was only four years old, was watching to see that none of the parings fell over the edge of the jar. Susan, who was seven, was putting raisins, a few at a time, into a meat chopper screwed down on the kitchen table. George, three years old, was turning the handle of the chopper to grind the raisins. Baby Joe was creeping about the kitchen floor after a kitten. Mrs.

There's clippit ears, and maybe you have a pair." He twitched Harry's bob wig awry; and with singular luck reeled out of the reach of Harry's answering blow. "Ay, and there's clippit shillings and maybe ye make your filthy living by their parings and shavings. Well a well, and there's clippit wings; and I'll clip yours, my bonny goose, the night."

From MRS. M.P. HART, of Ohio, President of State Board and Lady Manager. Pare and core the quinces. Put the parings and cores into a kettle with sufficient water to cover them, and let them boil for a short time. Then strain and pour the liquid over the quinces. Let the quinces cook until they are soft before adding the sugar.

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