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As a humorist he ridiculed, as a panderer to fashionable prejudices he sneered at, Bloomsbury; but as a tory he cherished a genuine antagonism to the district of town that was associated in the public mind with the wealth and ascendency of the house of Bedford.

He was thinking that it would be too bad if her hopes for her children should not be realized. Yet possibly they might not be. Life was very grim. How strange, he thought, was this type of woman at once a sympathetic, affectionate mother and a panderer to the vices of men. How strange that she should have these children at all.

Fielding laughed a little uneasily. "Never mind. You see, it isn't the old scores only that bar him. He's been a sweep out here. Nothing he hasn't done. Gone lower and lower and lower. Tax-gatherer with a kourbash for old Selamlik the beast. Panderer for the same. Sweep of the lowest sort!" Dicky's eyes flashed. "I say, Fielding, it would be rather strange if he hadn't gone down, down, down.

Fielding laughed a little uneasily. "Never mind. You see, it isn't the old scores only that bar him. He's been a sweep out here. Nothing he hasn't done. Gone lower and lower and lower. Tax-gatherer with a kourbash for old Selamlik the beast. Panderer for the same. Sweep of the lowest sort!" Dicky's eyes flashed. "I say, Fielding, it would be rather strange if he hadn't gone down, down, down.

The doorkeeper's manners underwent an instantaneous change, and from the fierce bully he softened to the fawning panderer. "I axes yer pardon, gents, 'cos I didn't know ye, and 'sposed you was sneaks from Melbourne. "You're the fellow for us," cried the inspector, slapping him on his back with pretended frankness. "Bring on the lush, and hang the expense.

People had assured me the horrid little American newspaper published in Paris was not typical of America that it was no more than a paid panderer to seekers after notoriety.

He is a caterer and panderer to English hypocrisy. There is nothin' too gross for him to swaller. We call them turkeys; first because they travel so fast for no bird travels hot foot that way, except it be an ostrich and second, because they gobble up every thing that comes in their way.

They shrank back as if a flame had met them. "And thou miserable panderer!" He did not end the sentence in words, but seized the man by the neck, and strong as a lion in his moments of hot excitement, hurled him furiously from the door and sent him all across the room, pitching head foremost on to the stone floor; then tore the door open and carried the screaming nun out into the road.

The revival of the evolutionary hypothesis by Darwin, and the controversies growing out of it, then filled the air, and Agassiz paid the penalty of his eminence and constancy to the system in which he had been grounded by his master, Cuvier. He was attacked and insulted by men who had never made an observation, and, what was more curious, as a panderer to the theological prejudices of the past.

I need not explain what this scoundrel means. He also will sell the professed means of robbery and swindling; saying that he is prepared to show how to remove papers, wills, titles, notes, etc., from one place to another "by invisible means." It is a wonder that the Bank of Commerce can keep any securities in its vaults of course! But enough of this degraded panderer to crime and folly.