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Updated: August 8, 2024

Caius, who states that "the Mastyve or Bandogge is vaste, huge, stubborne, ougly and eager, of a hevy, and burthenous body, and therefore but of little swiftnesse, terrible and frightful to beholde, and more fearce and fell than any Arcadian curre." The first mention of "Bulldog" as the distinctive name of this now national breed occurs in a letter, written by Prestwich Eaton from St.

There are many Tortoises both of land and sea kinde, their backs and bellies are shelled very thicke; their head, feet, and taile, which are in appearance, seeme ougly, as though they were members of a serpent or venimous beasts; but notwithstanding they are very good meat, as also their egges. Some haue bene found of a yard in bredth and better.

The Beare running about the house, to make such of the family afeared as fortuned to wake and come out. For who is he that is so puissant and couragious, that at the ougly sight of so great a monster will not quayle and keep his chamber especially in the night?

When I came to transcribe the piece, I soon became convinced that it was to a great extent the production of Fletcher. There can, I think, be no reasonable doubt about the authorship of such lines as the following: "Barnavelt. My noble Lords, what is't appeares upon me So ougly strange you start and fly my companie?

Of course everybody present knew the answer, so there is no need to record it here. "Sweet are the vses of aduersitie Which like the toad, ougly and venemous, Weares yet a precious Iewell in his head." It was the year of grace 1779. In one of the most beautiful corners of beautiful France stood a grand old chateau.

Two women not being so apt to escape as the men were, the one for her age, and the other being incombred with a yong child, we tooke. The old wretch, whom diuers of our Saylers supposed to be eyther a deuill, or a witch, had her buskins plucked off, to see if she were clouen footed, and for her ougly hew and deformity we let her go: the yong woman and the child we brought away.

And didn't I tell her that Miss Frederika was contriving to kape you out of the Prince's sight.; and that was the rason she took you out riding for hours ivery day, and made you sleep in a remote part of the palace; for if the Prince ever clapped his two ougly eyes upon you it would be all up wid Madame Frederika."

We may also set aside, though vouched for by Lord Tullibardine's butler, 'ane litle old man with a fearful ougly face, who appeared to the Rev. Mr. Lesly. Being asked whence he came, he said, 'From hell, and, being further interrogated as to why he came, he observed: 'To warn the nation to repent'. This struck Mr. Lesly as improbable on the face of it; however, he was a good deal alarmed.

Thus he passed along, turning his head to and fro, yawning and gaping wide, with ougly demonstration of long teeth and glaring eyes; and to bidde us farewell, coming right against the 'Hinde, he sent forth a horrible voice, roaring and bellowing as doth a lion, which spectacle we all beheld so far as we were able to discern the same, as men prone to wonder at every strange thing.

Methincks he beares not in his Countenaunce The fulnes of that grave and constant sperit, Nor in his eye appeeres that heat and quicknes He was wont to move withall. Salute, and counsell: Let's leave him to his thoughts. Son. They mind ye not: Now, as I have a soule, they looke not on ye. Bar. My noble Lords, what is't appeeres upon me So ougly strange you start and fly my Companie?

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