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Updated: August 4, 2024

"All right, sir," cried Barney; "but it isn't all right. It arn't fair. I was to help re-take the Burgh Castle, and I was going to, on'y you all set upon me as you did, and I'm knocked about orfle." "Well, messmate, it is disappynting, I'll allow," growled Bob Hampton; "but there arn't much the matter with you, Barney, and out forrard there was games, I can tell you.

Minty drew a long breath of relief as the carriage disappeared down the lane, and Jason privately confided to her his opinion that she was "an orfle smart girl." There was another dreadful moment when the minister's daughter went home.

It was orfle lying here, and one corner o' that rug as you stuffed into my mouth got a bit o' the way down my throat, and kep' on tickling me till I wanted to cough, and couldn't. Say, Bob Hampton, mate, air you going to untie them knots and cast off these here lashings, or arn't you?" "Why, they are off your arms, man." "When what's gone o' my arms? Have they been took off?"

But as he shouted he knew that his order was absurd, and tucking the lieutenant's sword under his arm he buckled on his own before leaping down to where his leader lay. "Are you much hurt, sir?" he asked; but there was no answer. "I've got a orfle whack side o' the head, sir," growled Tom Tully. "So've I, sir," said another man.

"Don't you hit me; don't you hit me," cried Drew, writhing. "I'll cut you to pieces," snarled Bagot. "I watched him," he continued to the man who held the lad in a firm grip in spite of his struggles to get away. "He was sneaking up to this young gentleman, begging and trying to pick his pocket." "That I wasn't," whined Drew. "I was orfle 'ungry, and he was pitching away cake things to the ducks.

"Did he hit him hard?" said Barney, slowly, and giving his mouth a rub with the back of his hand. "That's what I said, messmate; don't get chewin' o' my words over five hundred times to show off afore our young orficer. Did he hit him hard?" "Orfle!" said Barney. "Then why didn't you say so afore, 'stead o' getting into bad habits, a-saying things for the sake o' talking.

"This is a famous region for coral reefs, I suppose, Bostock," said the doctor. "Orfle, sir. Why, as soon as you gets round the corner yonder, going to Brisbane, they call it the Coral Sea, and there you get the Great Barrier Reef, all made of this here stuff." "More of those great oysters," said Carey. "I say, Bob, are they good to eat?" "Not half bad, sir, as you shall say.

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