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The current of opinion has changed in this respect, and it is now considered in the highest interests of both that they shall occupy not only separate beds, but separate rooms; these rooms communicating through a door which connects their respective dressing-rooms. This is unquestionably the best arrangement from the hygienic as well as from the ethical point of view.

The earl of Worcester delivered his opinion in a couple of Latin verses; importing, that where the gods are offended, even, misfortunes ought to be imputed as crimes, and that accident is no excuse for transgressions against the Divinity.

These and the like arguments prevailed with the king to alter his wiser measures and resolve to fight. Nor was this all; when a resolution of fighting was taken, that part of the advice which they who were for fighting gave, as a reason for their opinion, was forgot, and instead of halting and posting ourselves to advantage till the enemy came up, we were ordered to march back and meet them.

The brigand was led away to his cell. "I hope," said the Prince, "that you noted the defiant attitude of the prisoner." "I have not failed to do so, your Excellency," replied the ambassador. "I think," said the Prince, "that under the circumstances, his treatment has been most merciful." "I am certain, your Excellency," said the ambassador, "that his Majesty will be of the same opinion.

I must confess to having felt a malicious pleasure in the opportunity thus afforded of showing our jailor how little we trusted him; feeling indignant at the idea that he should suppose he was making any way in our good opinion by his familiarities, which we were not in circumstances to resist.

The King of Scotland thought, the chronicler adds, that these were "uncouth and sharp words" an opinion in which the reader will agree.

Stanley what opinion he held on a subject which had lately been a good deal canvassed; the propriety of young ladies learning the dead languages; particularly Latin. He was silent. Mrs. Stanley smiled. Lucilla, who had nearly finished making tea, blushed excessively.

I gave my opinion to this effect before the Legislative Council, in September, 1842.

And the last words I ever heard him say was to reproach " But this memory was too much for the old lady, and she broke entirely down. Tom was snuffling, now, himself and more in pity of himself than anybody else. He could hear Mary crying, and putting in a kindly word for him from time to time. He began to have a nobler opinion of himself than ever before.

He had known her but three weeks, and already they were the best of friends; he valued her good opinion next to his father's and mother's. At that moment her face appeared in the doorway, and she said in the sweetest and gentlest of tones: "And there we saw the giants."