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Updated: August 14, 2024

Let all men obey the War-leader, Face- of-god, without question or delay. As to the fine of the peace- breaker, it shall be laid on the altar of the God at the Great Folk- mote. Herewith is the Thing broken up. Then all men shouted and clashed their weapons, and so sundered, and went about their business.

So they tarried no more, but set out on the homeward way; and Face- of-god bade Dallach walk beside him, and asked him such concerning Rose-dale and its Dusky Men. Dallach told him that these were not so many as they were masterful, not being above eight hundreds of men, all fighting-men.

But Fox of Upton came forth and said: 'O Alderman, we have yeasaid the fellowship of the valiant men who have come to us from out of the waste; but this we have done, not because we have known them, otherwise than by what our kinsman Face- of-god hath told us concerning them, but because we have seen clearly that they will be of much avail to us in our warfare.

But as to this felon, Dale-warden's edge split his skull, and Face- of-god gathered his might together and bestrode Bow-may, till he had hewed a space round about him with great two-handed strokes; and yet the blade brake not.

Then she called the hound to her, and patted him on the neck and quieted him, and then turned to Face- of-god and laughed happily and said: 'I do not bid thee hold thy peace; yet thou sayest nought. Is well with thee? 'Yea, he said, 'and more than well. 'Thou seemest to me a goodly warrior, she said; 'hast thou met any foemen yesterday or this morning?

Then Face- of-god bade make a ring about the strangers, and they did so, and he and the Runaways alone were in the midst of it; and he spake in a loud voice and said: 'Men of the Dale and the Burg, these folk whom here ye see in such a sorry plight are they whom our deadly foes have rejoiced to torment; let us therefore rejoice to cherish them.

Then came forth together the three chiefs of the Shepherds, to wit Hound-under-Greenbury, Strongitharm, and the Hyllier; and Strongitharm spake for all three, and said: 'The Men of Greenbury, and they of the Fleece and the Thorn, are of one accord, and bid us say that they are well pleased to have Face- of-god for War-leader; and that they will follow him and the warriors of the Wolf to live or die with them; and that they are ready to go meet the foe at once, and will not skulk behind the walls of Greenbury.

Stone-face spake no more to Face- of-god about the wood and its wights, when he saw that the young man had come back hale and merry, seemed not to crave over-much to go back thither.

In vain she spake, and knew not what she said; for even as he was speaking he led her away, and her feet went as her will went, rather than her words; and even as she said that last word she set her foot on the first board of the foot-bridge; and she turned aback one moment, and saw the long line of the rock-wall yet glowing with the last of the sunset of midsummer, while as she turned again, lo! before her the moon just beginning to lift himself above the edge of the southern cliffs, and betwixt her and him all Burgdale, and Face- of-god moreover.

Fair seemed that town to Face- of-god: the houses were all builded of stone, and some of the biggest were roofed with lead, which also as well as silver was dug out of the mountains at the eastern end of the Dale. The market- place was clear to see from where they stood, though there were houses on all sides of it, so wide it was.

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