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Later. We are very near the end, but have not and will not lose our good cheer. We have four days of storm in our tent and nowhere's food or fuel. We did intend to finish ourselves when things proved like this, but we have decided to die naturally in the track. As a dying man, my dear friend, be good to my wife and child. Give the boy a chance in life if the State won't do it.

But I've only been on the road about a year, and your man may 'a' moved away afore I come. But there aint no tavern this side the ridge, arter ye leave Delhi, and, that's nowhere's nigh the ridge." There were a couple of farmers who were sitting by the driver, and who had listened with considerable interest to this conversation.

Arter Miss Anna died, I had great 'sponsibilities on my shoulders; but I war orful lonesome, an' thought I'd like to git a wife. But dere warn't a gal on de plantation, an' nowhere's roun', dat filled de bill. So I jis' waited, an' 'tended to Marse Robert till he war ole 'nough to go to college. Wen he went, he allers 'membered me in de letters he used to write his grandma.

But I've only been on the road about a year, and your man may 'a' moved away afore I come. But there ain't no tavern this side the ridge, arter ye leave Delhi, and, that's nowhere's nigh the ridge." There were a couple of farmers who were sitting by the driver, and who had listened with considerable interest to this conversation.

"Did he ever speak of the lady he is going to marry?" "Lady?" repeated Adam, giving a sudden twist to his hat. "Yes, the lady who lives in London?" "No, Miss Anthea," answered Adam, screwing his hat tighter, and tighter. "Why what do you mean?" "I mean as there never was no lady, Miss Anthea, neither up to Lonnon, nor nowhere's else, as I ever heard on." "But oh Adam! you told me "

You know we have been workin' awful hard the last few days, an' I was getting worried over dad again. He was gittin' that thin an' weak an' kind o' discouraged, too. Seemed like he'd jest made up his mind that there wasn't no luck fer him nowhere's. "Then " she leaned forward, her eyes black as coals, her fingers clasped convulsively in front of her.