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"H'I don't mind tell' y', lad, that we was 'eaded for this point way back some'ers in the late nineties," said the engineer, "but there come a Nor'wester, an' the cap'in, 'e lost 'is 'ead and turned to run. We'd froze in for the winter, but we'd a seen things if we 'ad. We'd a seen 'um." They were struggling over some pressure ridges and neither had breath to spare for further talk just then.

We were drifting four days outside there in dead calms. Then the nor'wester caught us and drove us on the lee shore. We made sail and tried to clew off, when the rotten work of the Tahiti shipwrights became manifest. Our jib-boom and all our head- stays carried away. Our only chance was to turn and run through the passage between Florida and Ysabel.

"It was mother," returned the youth, promptly, "and surely you don't object to poetry in her." "Object!" cried the captain, as though speaking in the teeth of a Nor'wester. "Of course not.

I have in mind the outbursts of deep-chested sound with which another friend evinces his appreciation of a humorous remark or incident, a laugh which many fastidious people would pronounce too hard and rough by half, bending their heads and darting from under, as if suddenly assailed by some rude nor'wester.

The girl stopped a moment and a sigh caught her breath. "Just a trifle but two men fought at the gate, the factor and another a Nor'wester from the Saskatchewan, a long-haired venturer, a man from Montreal, but a brave man, M'sieu, oh, a very brave man! They fought and there was the discharge of a pistol, and the shot went wild. It slew the good chief, M'sieu.

But what could human muscle and human will, however powerful, do against a rampant nor'wester? Very soon our hero was forced to rest upon his oars from sheer exhaustion, while his boat drifted slowly out to sea.

Warlike and suspicious, scouting every inch of country before them, they come down by way of Dear Lake, and the young Nor'wester at Fort Brisac has already sent forth his messengers to meet them." McElroy frowned. Double anger swelled suddenly within him. In two ways had De Courtenay crossed his plane at opposing angles.

Renton himself came in sight, striding down the slope of the pavement to his own door, his overcoat thrown back, as if the icy air were a tropical warmth to him, his hat set on the back of his head, and the loose ends of a 'kerchief about his throat, streaming in the nor'wester.

The wet rigging turned to icicles. Six men could hardly do the work of three. Fresh from the tropics, the crews were unfit for going any farther. A tremendous nor'wester settled the question, anyway; and Drake ran south to 38° 30', where, in what is now Drake's Bay, he came to anchor just north of San Francisco.

He guided Sandy's dying footsteps to the deck and propped him against the railing. That was when he laughed. "Not much of a sailor, eh?" he quizzed. "You'll be all right soon; we have been getting the tail-end of a big nor'wester." "A happy storm it must have been, sir, to wag its tail so gay," said Sandy, trying to smile. The doctor clapped him on the back. "You're better. Want something to eat?"