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He looked from one to another of them. "The Guide must have a really good bodyguard, with all the enemies he's made." Gregory shook his head. "He lives virtually alone, in a very small house on the UN Capitol grounds. In fact, except for a small police-force, armed only with non-lethal stun-guns, your profession of arms is non-existent." "I've been guessing what you want me to do," Benson said.

The details of this raid, inasmuch as their novelty is of some historical interest, demand an explanation. Gas fired in shells was of two sorts, lethal and non-lethal. The former was a deadly poison.

Lethal and non-lethal gas were intermingled both by the Germans and ourselves with high explosive shells; the effect of each assisted the effect of the other. If one began to sneeze from the effect of non-lethal gas, one could not wear a gas-helmet to resist the lethal; the high-explosive shells disguised both types.

About the best such a pursuer could expect, unless @ was able to ambush the agent first, was that the agent wanted information enough to use a non-lethal form of attack or defense until @ learned enough to satisfy @'s curiosity, at least. But Nevan was able to put the hazards of his mission in the back of his mind while he caught up on news from home.

This is not a call for non-lethal weapons; it is a call for military forces to get right to the heart of the enemy and conclude operations as rapidly and efficiently as they possibly can given their equipment, training, and doctrine. This means there must be wide flexibility in how they may function. Military operations will be across a wide spectrum of warfare and will demand flexibility.

Now it was planned by Wetherall to fire lethal gas against the enemy for several nights. On the night of the raid and during it, non-lethal only would be used. The two gases smelt alike and the presumption was that on the night of the raid the enemy would wear gas-helmets.

If you'll help, we may be able to beat the thing. If not, I've still got to disable the grid." The grid operator said in a savage, unhuman voice: "I'm a para. I'm trying to spray everything I've touched. Then I'm going to go off somewhere and kill myself " Calhoun drew his blaster. He adjusted it again to non-lethal intensity. "Good man!" he said approvingly.

In a world in which non-lethal sanctions are a political imperative, we will continue to need the ability to shut down all commerce into and out of any country from shipping, air, rail, and roads. We ought to be able to do this in a much more thorough, decisive, and shocking way than we have in the past.

The ability to apply pressure or cause acquiescence employing non-lethal means also will be important in some circumstances. Weapons that shock and awe, stun and paralyze, but do not kill in significant numbers may be the only ones that are politically acceptable in the future. This also means that crowd control with minimum violence may be needed.

To the degree that non-lethal weaponry is useful, it would be incorporated in the ability to Shock and Awe and achieve Rapid Dominance. The Japanese were prepared for suicidal resistance until both nuclear bombs were used.