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Updated: August 11, 2024

And stepping into the scullery, where old Josyna was washing some dishes, he addressed her "Mother, I'm sadly afraid this great fire will reach us before our master will allow us to move. Hadn't you better let me take care of the money you intended giving me on my marriage with Patience?" "No, no, myn goed zoon," replied Josyna, shaking her head "I musd zee you married virsd."

An ocean shib musd be buildt sdrong enough nod only do susdain the weighd of her gargo often amounding do upwards of a thousand dons bud also do withstand the dremendous and incessandly varying sdrain do which she is exbosed when garrying thad gargo through a moundainous sea.

As I said before, they musd build a shib, and she musd be of sufficiend size to float in the air and to garry all her eguipments." "But such an aerial ship would be a veritable monster" protested the colonel. "Zo are the Adlandic liners of the presend day," quietly answered the professor. "Phew!" whistled the colonel.

"Very true," remarked the colonel; "and what do you deduce from that, professor?" "I deduse from thad thad the man who wands to navigade the air musd do as his brother the sailor does, he musd have a ship." "Well, is not a balloon a sort of air ship?" "You may gall it zo iv you like, colonel, I do nod; I call it merely a buoy," returned the professor.

"But I can't be married to-day," cried Blaize "and there's no time to lose. The fire will be upon us directly." "I cand help dat," returned his mother. "We musd place our drusd in God." "There I quite agree with you, mother," replied Blaize; "but we must also take care of ourselves. If you won't give me the money, at least put it in a box to carry off at a moment's notice."

"You have seen for yourselves and gan therefore judge how marvellously lighd this medal is," continued the professor when the plate had been handed back to him; "bud ids sdrength you musd dake my word for, as I have no means ad hand do illusdrade id. Ids sdrength is as wonderful as ids lighdness, being zo var as I have had obbordunidy do desd id exactly one hundred dimes thad of the besd sdeel."

"She is up here with the Willards." "I musd meed her," says the Count, his eye following Marguerite as she walks up to Mrs. Howlett and is greeted effusively by that lady. Marguerite is pale, and appears anxious. Even to the author the ways of the women in his works are inscrutable; so upon this occasion. She is pale, but I cannot say why.

The gread in facd the only diffiguldy in the madder is thad air is eight hundred dimes lighder than wader; and an air shib of given dimensions musd therefore be ad leasd eight hundred dimes lighder than her ocean sisder do enable her do fload in the atmosphere.

"But I musd, myn lief jonger," replied his mother, "I musd." "Oh, Patience!" supplicated Blaize, "you were always fond of me. My mother has lost her natural affection. She wishes to get rid of me. Don't take part with her. My sole dependence is upon you." "I will do all I can for you, dear Blaize," blubbered the kitchen-maid. "But it is absolutely necessary you should see the doctor."

In other words, they have not made their balloons large enough." "Then you think they have not yet reached the practical limit to the size of a balloon?" asked the colonel. "They have very nearly if balloons are do be made only of silk," was the reply. "Bud if navigable balloons are to be gonsdrugded, aeronauds musd durn do other maderials and adobd another form.

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