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There is a sudden terror-struck misgiving on the beautiful face of Gwen, and an uneasy note of doubt in her mother's voice, seeking by vague speech to elude and slur over the difficulty. "The patterns are quite alike," she says weakly. The blind man feels he has made a mistake, and is driven to safe silence.

At last, radiant with gravy and repletion, they flung themselves down where they would and went to sleep, Bawr and Grôm, and two or three others of the older warriors, who had been wise enough to banquet without gorging themselves, thought with some misgiving of what might happen if an enemy should steal upon them at such an hour of torpor. But no enemy approached.

Nor could I have believed that the general clapping of many men's hands would have such great power to move the human mind to rejoicing. With some misgiving he goes on to record that after the festivity the ship was left to drive of itself, both pilgrims and sailors betaking themselves to rest.

Yet must one trust the process fearlessly and without misgiving. "The Lord the Spirit" will do His part. The tempting expedient is, in haste for abrupt or visible progress, to try some method less spiritual, or to defeat the end by watching for effects instead of keeping the eye on the Cause. A photograph prints from the negative only while exposed to the sun.

The gallantry of Charles, Dr. Radcliffe's plots, the knavery of ``trusty Tompkins, in fact, every part seemed to chain their attention. Many things which, while I was reading, I had a misgiving about, thinking them above their tastes, I was surprised to find them enter into completely.

Ike looked at the hand, but he did not touch it. "Maybe God'll let me thank ye yet, ma'am," he said, and was gone. As he went through the kitchen a sudden misgiving seized him of terror of Hannah. "Supposin' she sh'd take into her head to be agin me," thought he. "They say the Elder himself's 'fraid on her.

Martin's garden, Lady Constantine stood quite still for a minute or more, her gaze bent on the ground. Instead of coming on to the house she went heavily and slowly back, almost as if in pain; and then at length, quickening her pace, she was soon out of sight. She appeared in the path no more that day. Why had Lady Constantine stopped and turned? A misgiving had taken sudden possession of her.

Dauversiere, in particular, was a prey to the extremity of dejection, uncertainty, and misgiving. What had he, a family man, to do with ventures beyond sea? Was it not his first duty to support his wife and children? Could he not fulfil all his obligations as a Christian by reclaiming the wicked and relieving the poor at La Fleche? Plainly, he had doubts that his vocation was genuine.

When first I spoke of this purpose to Dr. Sculco, he indulged my fancy, saying "Presently, presently!" A few days later, when I seriously asked him how soon I might with safety travel, his face expressed misgiving. Why go to Catanzaro? It was on the top of a mountain, and had a most severe climate; the winds at this season were terrible.

Such are the terms of the marriage contract: and you in especial must respect them. I need say no more, except this: Have no fears for the happiness of Your BIDDY. From Colin in telegraphic conciseness: 'Tremendously happy. She's absolutely my Ideal in everything but size. All very satisfactory and conclusive. But Mrs Gildea could not escape from a vague misgiving.