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Ojibwas, p. 167; also Potowattomies and Crees, Miamis, p. 168. Shawnees, p. 169. Sauks, Foxes and Menominies, p. 170. Delawares, p. 172. Munsees and Mohegans, p. 173. Finally, the pueblo Indians of New Mexico are shown to have, if not the identical at least a similar mode of inheritance. There is no mention made of daughters at all. XI, cap.

There were more than thirteen hundred of them, gathered from a distance of full two thousand miles, Hurons and Ottawas from Michillimackinac, Ojibwas from Lake Superior, Crees from the remote north, Pottawatamies from Lake Michigan, Mascontins, Sacs, Foxes, Winnebagoes, and Menominies from Wisconsin, Miamis from the St.

The President gave them assurances that their women and children should be protected from the Sioux and the Menominies, and that so soon as he was satisfied that peace was restored on the frontiers, they should be permitted to return home.

One or two cases in which these have been exhibited, are worthy of being recorded. A few years since, some of his warriors fell in with a party of unarmed Menominies, at Prairie des Chiens, in sight of fort Crawford, and murdered the whole of them. Justly incensed at this outrage, the Menominies prepared to take up arms against the Sacs, and prevailed upon the Winnebagoes to join them.

Keokuk's birth Kills a Sioux when fifteen years old Prevents the abandonment of the Sac village Bold manoeuvre with the Sioux Perils his life for the safety of his people Speech to the Menominies at Prairie des Chiens Called upon to lead his braves to join in the Black Hawk war Allays the excitement of his people on this subject Deposed from his post as head chief and a young man elected in his place Re-established in power Delivers up his nephew to the whites to be tried for murder Letter to the Governor of Illinois Council at Washington in 1837 Retorts upon the Sioux His visit to Boston His return home His personal appearance And his character as a war and peace chief.

The war in which we have been involved was occasioned by our attempting to raise provisions on our own lands, or where we thought we had a right so to do. We have lost many of our people, as well as the whites. Our tribes and families are now exposed to the attacks of our enemies, the Sioux, and the Menominies. We hope, therefore, to be permitted to return home to take care of them."

They accordingly, out of respect to the agent, assembled at fort Crawford, but the Menominies refused, sternly, to hold any conference with the Sacs on the subject.

Keokuk told the agent not to be discouraged, for he would adjust the difficulty with them, before they separated, in despite of their prejudices and their positive refusal to treat: He only asked an opportunity of meeting them face to face in the council-lodge. The tribes were brought together, but the Menominies persevered in their determination to hold no conference with the Sacs.

Murder of twenty-eight Menominies by the Foxes of Black Hawk's band Naopope's visit to Malden Black Hawk recrosses the Mississippi General Atkison orders him to return Stillman's attack Defeated by Black Hawk His white flag fired upon He sends out war parties upon the frontier Attack upon Fort Buffalo General Dodge's battle on the Wisconsin Black Hawk and his band leave the Four Lakes and fly to the Mississippi Pursued by General Atkinson Black Hawk's flag of truce fired upon by the Captain of the Warrior Twenty-three Indians killed.

But one instance is known of their having burned a prisoner, and that was in a war with the Menominies, and in retaliation for a similar act, first committed by that tribe. The young Indians go to war generally between the age of seventeen and twenty, but sometimes as early as fifteen.