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Updated: August 19, 2024

Two citizens of Hamilton, Allan MacNab, fiery politician and calculating lobbyist, and Isaac Buchanan, untiring advocate of railways, protection, and paper money, threw themselves into the campaign.

But surprises did not come singly at that time. Call it a miracle, or a coincidence, or what you will, it is a singular fact that, on the very next day, there arrived at Sunny Creek cottage four travellers namely, Jack Lumley, the black-haired pale-face, Peter Macnab, and Big Otter.

By a Brand Saved from the Burning. Isabella; or, The Little Female Jesuit. By 'Hephzibah'. Elisha MacNab: a Tale of the French Huguenots. England and Rome. By the Rev. Ebenezer Catchpole of Emmanuel, Birmingham. Nuns and Nunneries. By 'Ruth', with a Preface by Miss Carran, lately rescued from a Canadian Convent. History of the Inquisition. By Llorente.

"Once when Big Otter was a little boy, he stood beside the Great River," answered the Indian, gravely; "but the white man had no tent there at that time." "The white man has got some pretty big tents there now made of wood most of 'em," returned Macnab. "In a few days you shall judge for yourself, if all goes well."

Either the vessel must have foundered, or they had failed in getting another vessel for us, or they had met with some accident, or worse than all from the instruments being destroyed on deck during the storm Captain MacNab had not been able to take any observations so as to settle whereabouts this island was, and he was perhaps now sailing about unable to find us.

"If you had said that I had read it a hundred and fifty times," returned Lumley, "you would have been still under the mark." "Just so. And you have meditated over it, and dreamed about it, and talked it over with your wife at least as many times if not more." "Your claim to rank among the prophets is indisputable, Macnab at least as regards the past. What have you got to say about the future?"

"And Jumbo and Macnab," continued Hugh, "really had to break up the dangerous combination there. Of course that was a rotten assault on Snoopy. It wasn't Jumbo's fault that he didn't break an ankle. As it was, he gave him a very bad fall." At this Rupert laughed scornfully. "Rot," he said, "the whole town is laughing at all that bloody bandage business. It was a bit of stage play.

Hincks had left the country. John Ross, the leading member of the Liberal wing of the coalition, had resigned from the Cabinet. So it came to pass, after the withdrawal of Sir Allan MacNab, that many quondam Liberals grew to realize that there was no longer any reason why they should not unite under the leadership of the man who inspired equally the confidence and the regard of the whole party.

In consequence, the autumn of 1854 witnessed the remarkable spectacle of a Tory government, headed by Sir Allan MacNab, carrying a bill to end the Clergy Reserve troubles, in alliance with Francis Hincks and their late opponents. The chief dissentients were the extreme radicals, who were now nicknamed the Clear-Grits.

"I wonder," he said, with a peculiar air of modesty which somewhat puzzled me, "if I may venture to ask Miss Macnab for a song." "Ha! ha!" shouted her brother, before she could reply, "you may venture to ask, my boy, but you'll find it difficult to draw a song out of Jessie. Why, she never could sing a note!"

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