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At the end of 1509 he became "Governor of India," I.E. of Portuguese India, in succession to Almeida; Diogo Lopes de Sequeira receiving the governorship under the king of Portugal of the seas east of Cape Comorin.

The fight lasted for fifteen minutes, and then Lopes and the third mate forced themselves between and separated them. Both men were terribly punished. "That will do, sir; that will do, Frewen," said the mate; "do you want to kill each other?" Keller had some good points about him and a certain amount of humour as well. "Haow much air yew hurt, Frewen?" he inquired.

Both times that his counsel put forward this curious plea, Peace raised his eyes to heaven and exclaimed "I am not fit to die." Mr. Justice Lopes in summing up described as an "absolute surmise" the theory of the accidental discharge of the pistol.

Keller's retort was of so insulting a character that in another moment the two men to the intense delight of the crew were fighting on the after-deck. Lopes and the cooper, as in duty bound, sprang forward and seized their fellow-officer, but the captain, with an oath, bade them stand aside. "I'll pound you first," he cried hoarsely to Frewen, "then I'll kick you into the foc'sle."

He soon noticed, however, that his guide, whose name, it transpired, was Manuel Lopes, was taking him up one narrow street and down another in a most extraordinary fashion, and that they seemed to be getting into a particularly low quarter of the town.

An' if you know anything about a woods crew you'd know it's the little things that they get the maddest about. An' now whenever the colonel comes round he takes it out in chasin' Ben with a whip. Ben just lopes round in a circle of a mile or two, and comes back lookin' reproachful, but still perfectly satisfied with Number 7 as a winter residence. The boys think a lot of Ben.

"I admit," gasped the man, trying with all his force to keep the boa-constrictor's head away from his face, "that I am a leader of the Carlotta Society, but I cannot disclose its secrets even to you." "You must speak, Lopes," Don Juan said, "or you will not get free. Remember that I am a member of the Carlotta Society myself, though an honorary one on account of my age.

Jim, of course, firmly refused to give them any information whatever upon the matters in question, but loudly denounced the way in which he had been treated, and demanded to be set at liberty immediately. Carlos and his accomplice merely laughed, and Lopes remarked: "So you refuse to tell us anything, do you, my young cockerel? Well, we shall see, we shall see.

"Carrajo! no," exclaimed Lopes testily. "This is the fellow, without doubt; I watched him all the way from the ship. Here, lend me your knife, and I will rip up his clothes; he is certain to have suspected treachery after I locked him in, and will have secreted the documents somewhere. Ah! here they are. Now, read them out to me, Carlos, while I try to bring the hijo round."

"To see that poor dumb thing take its food so healthily compensates me almost for the shock which this villainous fellow has given us." "Snakes," he continued, "are greatly affected by sound, as no doubt you noticed just now. There is little question that the snake was attracted to Lopes by some sound."