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Updated: August 23, 2024

He spoke fast and without much meaning, but his boyish voice eased the strain. Eve thanked him with a smile. "Then we mustn't interfere with a person on active service," she said. "Besides, we have our own duties to get through." She smiled again, and, touching Loder's arm, indicated the reception-rooms. When they entered the larger of the two rooms Lady Bramfell was still receiving her guests.

She had released Loder's arm as they crossed the hall; and now, reaching the stairs, she put out her hand gropingly and caught the banister. She had a pained, numb sense of submission of suffering that had sunk to apathy. Moving forward without resistance, she began to mount the stairs. The ascent was made in silence.

Miss Loder, naturally, filled the post; and once more she came to Greenriver, and took her place in the stately old library, where she and Owen passed strenuous hours daily. To Toni Miss Loder's presence was growing ever more and more distasteful.

Passing through the enthusiastic concourse of men, they came unexpectedly upon Fraide and Lady Sarah surrounded by a group of friends. The old statesman came forward instantly, and, taking Loder's arm, walked with him to Chilcote's waiting brougham. He said little as they slowly made their way to the carriage, but the pressure of his fingers was tense and an unwonted color showed in his face.

That was Loder's attitude and action on the night of his jeopardy and his success, and the following day found his mood unchanged. He was one of those rare individuals who never give a promise overnight and regret it in the morning. He was slow to move, but when he did the movement brushed all obstacles aside.

He felt it recognized it by instinct. The sense of domination had fallen on him; he knew himself impotent in the other's hands. Whatever he might attempt in moments of solitude, he possessed no voice in presence of this invincible second self. For a while he struggled he did not fight, he struggled to resist then, lifting his eyes, he met Loder's. "And what will you do?" he said, weakly.

In the ten days since the affair of the caravans had been reported from Persia public feeling had run high, and it was upon the pivot of this incident that Loder's attack was to turn; for, as Lakely was fond of remarking, "In the scales of public opinion, one dead Englishman has more weight than the whole Eastern Question!"

When Eve and Loder had taken their seats he stepped to the edge of the curb. They were alone for the moment, and, leaning close to the carriage, he put his hand through the open window. In silence he took Eve's fingers and held them in a long, affectionate pressure; then he released them and took Loder's hand. "Good-night, Chilcote," he said. "You have proved yourself worthy of her. Good-night."

On the hard, narrow mattress, from which the sheets and blankets had fallen in a disordered heap, lay Chilcote. He was fully dressed in a shabby tweed suit of Loder's; his collar was open, his lip and chin unshaven; one hand was limply grasping the pillow, while the other hung out over the side of the bed.

She had never liked being ousted from her position, as would-be helper; but Owen knew or fancied he did the exact value of her aid; and after all his work was too important for him to run the risk of spoiling it by any lack of efficiency in his helpers. "I wish you'd leave Miss Loder's name out of the question," he said at last, and his tone struck coldly on Toni's excited ear.

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