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There is, however, in the nucleus another material which forms either threads, or a network, or a mass of granules, which is very different from the linin, and has entirely different properties. This network has the power of absorbing certain kinds of stains very actively, and is consequently deeply stained when treated as the microscopist commonly prepares his specimens.

Keith and I going to walk quietly to the boat. We do not expect to be molested." "By God, Tal!" cried Major Miles in astonishment, "ye' don't mean to tell me yo're linin' yourself up on the side of that blackleg!"

This and the following figures show stages in cell division. The chromatin is broken into threads or chromosomes, cr. Such a cell has a nucleus, with its chromatin, its membrane, and linin, as already described. Outside the nucleus is the centrosome, or, more commonly, two of them lying close together.

"What's the use o' linin' on a feller that can't stand still a second?" complained the others. "Great Scott, what a line," groaned Si, walking along, shoving the boys back, and twisting them around, to get them straight. "Crooked as a pumpkin vine in a cornfield. Here, I told you not to turn your heads, but only your eyes.

Do yez iver buy any clothes at all, or do yez beg them? Me heart's bruk to pieces wid blayguardin' and bullyraggin. Luk at this. A boy's coat. An it's lined wid woollen linin'; that's the only fault wid it. An' here's a bonnet. A fortin to any young woman. Will ye be plazed to take what ye want for nothin'? Tis charity ye want, ye poor misguided crathurs.

I slid the off-shutter open an' rowled out into the dhark behind the elephint-head pillar, tucked up my trousies to my knees, slipped off my boots an' tuk a general hould av all the pink linin' av the palanquin. Glory be, ut ripped out like a woman's dhriss whin you tread on ut at a sergeants' ball, an' a bottle came with ut.

We can deal with that old buzzard as freely and as profitably as if we were in a cutthroat pawnshop. Hey, you fellows," he called to some passing laborers, "have any of you seen old Fisheye in the last hour?" "Fisheye is linin' up the wagons in the menag," said one of the men. "Er he may be up at the marquee tellin' the boss where to route the show," said another.

"I believe so," replied the young man, unmoved. He was fair game: for he was very big, clearly good-humoured, spick and span to a fault, and a member of another class. They gathered with glee to the baiting. "That ain't because of his name, stoopid. That's because he's got a silver linin' to his mug, ain't it, sir?" "Silver! gold, you mean.

I allus was a painter," he continued, "if I did foller the sea. Why, in my bark, the Wetherall it was, I had fancy picters on the bulkheads an' gold linin' over the white but she got in a twistin' jimmycane, such as we have in these waters. Thar's my island!" He held up one canvas, a foot high and two feet wide, tacked over a piece of board.

Our comrade Stevenson gave it to me before we was nabbed by the Arabs, an' I've kep' it in the linin' o' my straw hat ever since. You see it's a thin little thing though there's oceans o' truth in it an' it's easy stowed away. "I forgot all about it till I was left alone in this place, and then I got it out, an' God in his marcy made it like a light in the dark to me.