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With a normal attack the spiritus lenis in contradistinction to the spiritus asper the glottis is in position for phonation at the moment breath passes through it. No unvocalized breath precedes it and no explosion follows it. The vowel-attack is clear, precise and distinct.

"Me Guido de Senis diebus depinxit amoenis Quem Christus lenis nullis velit angere poenis."

PLACIDA AC LENIS: 'quiet and mild'; placida refers to the external surroundings, lenis to the temper and character. ACCEPIMUS: sc. fuisse; for the ellipsis of the infinitive cf. n. on 22 videretur. For the position of the words see G. 94, 3; H. 174, footnote 3. SCRIBENS EST MORTUUS: 'died while still engaged upon his works'; cf. 23 num Platonem ... coegit in suis studiis obmutiscere senectus?

At this rate, agriculture was an honour to Cyrus, and eloquence and the knowledge of letters to Charlemagne. Demosthenes' companions in the embassy to Philip, extolling that prince as handsome, eloquent, and a stout drinker, Demosthenes said that those were commendations more proper for a woman, an advocate, or a sponge, than for a king': "Imperet bellante prior, jacentem Lenis in hostem."

X. My father, Suetonius Lenis , was in this battle, being at that time an angusticlavian tribune in the thirteenth legion.

The fire kindled, and she presently burst out with the voice of a seraph in that glorious psalm, the 116th: "'Toto pectore diligam Unice et Dominum colam, Qui lenis mihi supplici Non duram appulit aurem. Aurem qui mihi supplici, Non duram dedit; hunc ego Donec pectora spiritus Pulset semper, amabo."

All the rest show an oblivion or indifference most unlike the genial communicativeness of Cicero, Horace, and Ovid. His father was one Suetonius Lenis, a military tribune and wearer of the angusticlave. Muretus, however, desirous to give him a more illustrious origin, declares that his father was the Suetonius Paulinus mentioned by Tacitus.

Poetae, Physici, Historici, Qui nullum fere scribendi genus Non tetigit, Nullum quod tetigit non ornavit Sive risus essent movendi, Sive lacrymae, Affectuum potens ac lenis dominator: Ingenio sublimis, vividus, versatilis, Oratione grandis, nitidus, venustus: Hoc monumento memoriam coluit Sodalium amor, Amicorum fides, Lectorum veneratio.

The historian Suetonius was satisfied with only the meaning of his name, which made him cashier his father's surname, Lenis, to leave Tranquillus successor to the reputation of his writings.

Quocum multa volup ac gaudia clamque palamque, Ingenium cui nulla malum sententia suadet Ut faceret facinus lenis aut malus, doctus fidelis Suavis homo facundus suo contentus beatus Scitus secunda loquens in tempore commodus verbum Paucum, multa tenens antiqua sepulta, vetustas Quem fecit mores veteresque novosque tenentem, Multorum veterum leges divumque hominumque, Prudenter qui dicta loquive tacereve possit.