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Updated: August 16, 2024

If only she could get him to Rome. It was not more than seven or eight miles to the city, and Regina had often been there with Nanna. She had been to Saint John Lateran's at midsummer for the great festival, and she knew where the hospital was, in which famous professors cured every ill under the sun.

When Lewis the Bavarian was to be crowned by force, Sciarra Colonna crowned him; when Henry the Seventh of Luxemburg had come to Rome for the same purpose, a few years earlier, the Orsini had been obliged to be satisfied with a sort of second-rate coronation at Saint John Lateran's; and when the struggle between the two families was at its height, nearly two centuries later, and Sixtus the Fourth 'assumed the part of mediator, as the chronicle expresses it, one of his first acts of mediation was to cut off the head of a Colonna, and his next was to lay regular siege to the strongholds of the family in the Roman hills; but before he had brought this singular process of mediation to an issue he suddenly died, the Colonna returned to their dwellings in Rome 'with great clamour and triumph, got the better of the Orsini, and proceeded to elect a Pope after their own hearts, in the person of Cardinal Cibo, of Genoa, known as Innocent the Eighth.

One of these was then carried by a Cardinal Priest, and and the Host consecrated on the preceding day was borne by another Cardinal of the same order; the Pope, the Cardinals and all the others were bare-footed, and walked in procession reciting psalms to S. John Lateran's and thence to S. Croce, where the station was held and the ceremonies of the day were performed.

The paschal candle also, an emblem of Christ the true light, as we shall afterwards see is removed on the day of the ascension: this circumstance may explain the above-mentioned custom. In the afternoon of palm-sunday, the Cardinal great Penitentiary goes in state to S. John Lateran's.

In other respects the mass is similar to that of the Papal chapel . Morcelli in his calendar in summing up the ceremonies of this day, having mentioned the station at S. John Lateran's, the baptism of Jews and Turks, and mass in the papal chapel, says that at the Gloria, tonitrus tormentorum ab Arce fiunt, Æra templorum ac Turium sonant.

So name not poison to me till that is finished and copied." And now the great bells of St. John Lateran's were rung with a clash at short intervals, and the people hurried thither to see the heads of St. Peter and St. Paul.

After a short prayer, he proceeds to the library, where he holds the Segnatura or tribunal for signing documents relating to his office, and afterwards enters the basilic of St. John Lateran's, where he is received by four canons.

Grant, then Rector of the English College at Rome, and afterwards the well- known Bishop of Southwark, one of the most beloved and venerated friends of his Catholic period. It merely gives information to assist him in visiting St. John Lateran's, and promises to send an order for St. Peter's. It concludes characteristically: 'I shall be too happy to serve you whenever I can be useful.

Descriptive, Palm-sunday lights used at mass etc. vestments ubbidienza, blessing of the palms, benedictions, holy water, incense distribution of the palms order in which the prelates and others receive them solemn procession with palms, sedia gestatoria ceremonies peculiar to this procession its antiquity High mass, its peculiar ceremonies on palm-sunday Passio Cardinal great Penitentiary at S. John Lateran's.

In Rome two sanctuaries are the great centres of attraction in the morning, viz. S. John Lateran's on account of the baptism of adults, and the Sixtine chapel, where the service is always beautiful, and particularly on this day. We shall first give an account of the ceremonies observed in the latter, and shall then describe the additional interesting rites of S. John Lateran's.

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