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Billy could not help it, she put her hand to her mouth and yawned. "You are weary, child," said Boris, "lie down a while." "To be sure," cried Ladislas, "everything has been provided for." He jumped up and opened the door to a side room: "At your pleasure.

Do you remember how you were forbidden wine for a time as a student, and still were always drunk on your soda-water sooner than we on our wine, out of sheer sympathy? You were born to be happy by proxy." "Bravo," cried Ladislas, "un mot charmant.

Persignys and Morny there. Breakfast at Vaux with Marochettis on the 6th. Met Sigismond Krasinski's son Ladislas at his mother's. From Lord Clarendon G. C., April 6th.

In the year 1497 Peter Martyr was designated for a diplomatic mission that gratified his ambition and promised him an opportunity to revisit Rome and Milan. Ladislas II., King of Bohemia, sought to repudiate his wife Beatrice, daughter of King Ferdinand of Naples, and widow of Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary.

You are beginning to be witty again, thank heaven, and you have every reason to, any one that stands like you on the high end of the see-saw, nor stands alone quite the contrary." Boris grew serious again. "All very well, but perhaps we must talk business a little, after all." But Ladislas was outraged. "Mercy, brother! Why should we talk business! Why should we bore the Countess that way?

The wars for the succession of the kingdom of Naples, between Louis of Anjou and Ladislas Durazzo, were agitating the whole of Italy; and the capital of the Christian world was exposed to all the fury of the contending parties.

Peter's Church, and then he was carried home in his cradle, with the count holding the crown over his head, and the other regalia borne before him. And thus Ladislas became King of Hungary at twelve weeks old, and was then carried off by his mother into Austria for safety.

During quite an appreciable time there was no sound in the spacious apartment other than the heavy breathing of Count Ladislas Vassilan. He had openly and candidly abandoned all pretense. He was now nothing more nor less than a burly, well-fed, well-dressed evil-doer quaking with fear. "Difficult, you say, Mr.

"I hate to act the role of inquisitor, Lady Hermione," he said, rather huskily as to the first few words, "but would you mind telling me why you are so opposed to Count Ladislas Vassilan as a husband?"

"My wife tells me that he is a French music-master whom she hired to marry her in order that she might escape from a pestiferous person named Count Ladislas Vassilan," replied Curtis with cool directness. "She brought the obliging individual with her from Paris for the purpose, and paid him a thousand dollars as a sort of retaining fee.