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Updated: August 4, 2024

The male of the Cottus scorpius, or sea-scorpion, is slenderer and smaller than the female. There is also a great difference in colour between them. It is difficult, as Mr. Both sexes of the Labrus mixtus, although very different in colour, are beautiful; the male being orange with bright blue stripes, and the female bright red with some black spots on the back. Xiphophorus Hellerii.

Bonizzi, P., difference of colour in sexes of pigeons. Bonnet monkey. Bonwick, J., extinction of Tasmanians. Boomerang. Boreus hyemalis, scarcity of the male. Bory St. Vincent, on the number of species of man; on the colours of Labrus pavo. Bos etruscus. Bos gaurus, horns of. Bos moschatus. Bos primigenius. Bos sondaicus, horns of, colours of.

Inhabits bold rocky shores, where it is troublesome to the fisher by carrying off his bait. Caught by hook, 3rd May, 1841. No. 12. LABRUS? Native name IANON'T, WOROGUT, or CUMBEAK. "Rays, D. 30; A. 12." Tail rounded, teeth very small. Inhabits weedy places in deep water, and along sandy bays. Sometimes taken by the natives on the edge of banks. Excellent eating. Caught by hook, 18th March, 1841.

Krause, on a convoluted body at the extremity of the tail in a Macacus and a cat. Kupffer, Prof., on the affinity of the Ascidia to the Vertebrata. Labidocera Darwinii, prehensile organs of the male. Labrus, splendid colours of the species of. Labrus mixtus, sexual differences in. Labrus pavo. Lacertilia, sexual differences of. Lafresnaye, M. de, on birds of paradise.

One Saturday afternoon, about the last of August, just after a somewhat heavy gale, which had been blowing for a couple of days, we all repaired to Bass Rocks, though the sky was drizzling yet, and the spray of the waves dashed at every blow clear over our stand. It was apparently a splendid time for our friends, the labrus, but we did not get a bite.

This is likewise the case with a multitude of fishes, the sexes of which are identical in colour at all other seasons of the year. The tench, roach, and perch may be given as instances. The male salmon at this season is "marked on the cheeks with orange-coloured stripes, which give it the appearance of a Labrus, and the body partakes of a golden orange tinge.

The fish attains a weight of three and a-half pounds, and a fat one yields about three quarters of a pound of oil, which the natives use for greasing their heads and persons. This fish runs up the rivers during the floods, and so becomes very fat. In summer it retires to the ocean. Caught in September, 1841. No. 47. LABRUS LATICLAVIUS. Richardson, Zool. Trans. 3. p. 139.

Kent, W.S., elongation of dorsal fin of Callionymus lyra; courtship of Labrus mixtus; colours and courtship of Cantharus lineatus. Kestrels, new mates found by. Kidney, one, doing double work in disease. King, W.R., on the vocal organs of Tetrao cupido; on the drumming of grouse; on the reindeer; on the attraction of male deer by the voice of the female.

LABRUS? Native name, POKONG. "Brown rock-fish" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 9-12; A. 3-10," etc. Flesh soft and poor. Inhabitants rocky shores; very common. Caught by hook, 12th March, 1841. No. 18. CRENILABRUS? Native name, KNELMICH, MINAME, or MINAMEN. Common "rock-fish" or "Parrot" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 8-11; A. 2-10," etc. Poor and soft.

As August waned the fishing improved, and with the little fiddler or soldier crab we caught fish of three and four pounds instead of those of one and two pounds that had a month ago employed us. And then the striped bass, the Labrus lineatus, the king of saltwater game fish what splendid sport they furnished! These last we caught, some of us with the pole and reel, some with the hand-line.

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