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And Judkin was even as these others; the wine had been suddenly spilt from his cup of life, and he had stayed to suck at the dregs which the wise throw away.

'Quite impossible, cried Morris. 'Well, then, you see, said Mr Judkin, 'how my hands are tied. The whole affair must go at once into the hands of the police. Morris mechanically folded the cheque and restored it to his pocket book. 'Good morning, said he, and scrambled somehow out of the bank.

'Then I'll stand the loss, said Morris boldly. 'I order you to abandon the search. He was determined that no enquiry should be made. 'I beg your pardon, returned Mr Judkin, 'but we have nothing to do with you in this matter, which is one between your uncle and ourselves. If he should take this opinion, and will either come here himself or let me see him in his sick-room

I'll sift the matter. I've an idea, at any rate; and detectives," he added appealingly, "are so expensive." "The bank would not hear of it," returned Mr. Judkin. "The bank stands to lose between three and four thousand pounds; it will spend as much more if necessary. An undiscovered forger is a permanent danger. We shall clear it up to the bottom, Mr. Finsbury; set your mind at rest on that."

'No doubt, Mr Finsbury, returned Mr Judkin; 'and if you insist I will take it into consideration; but I hardly think in short, Mr Finsbury, if there had been nothing else, the signature seems hardly all that we could wish. 'That's of no consequence, replied Morris nervously. 'I'll get my uncle to sign another.

'O, that was a mistake, said Morris, and a deep tide of colour dyed his face and neck. 'No doubt, no doubt, said Mr Judkin, but he looked at his customer enquiringly. 'And and resumed Morris, 'even if there were no effects this is a very trifling sum to overdraw our firm the name of Finsbury, is surely good enough for such a wretched sum as this.

That was my first meeting with Judkin, and the next time the circumstances were the same; the same muddy lane, the same rather apologetic figure in the tweed suit, the same or very similar parcels. Only this time the roan looked straight in front of her.

Has Judkin of the Parcels found something in the lees of life that I have missed in going to and fro over many waters? Is there more wisdom in his perverseness than in the madness of the wise? The dear gods know.

And while I was speeding townwards along the rails Judkin would be plodding his way to the vicarage bearing a vegetable marrow and a basketful of dahlias. The basket to be returned. "There is a wild beast in your woods," said the artist Cunningham, as he was being driven to the station.

'Drawn! cried Morris. 'By your uncle himself, sir, continued the other. 'Not only that, but we discounted a bill for him for let me see how much was it for, Mr Bell? 'Eight hundred, Mr Judkin, replied the teller. 'Bent Pitman! cried Morris, staggering back. 'I beg your pardon, said Mr Judkin. 'It's it's only an expletive, said Morris.