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Updated: August 3, 2024

Everything I did as a boy and man tried to show me that there isn't anything uncommon in a man finding a woman. My mother knew differently, but every time she wanted to tell me something happened. Another voice broke in, or perhaps she saw I wasn't attentive or ready. But I know now and it didn't come to me until here in Judenbach " "She must have known," Berthe whispered. Fallows drew near.

And they the poor last fragment of them were piling back toward Judenbach, leaving their wounded behind. Goylan was back in Judenbach. It was four in the afternoon. He had searched everywhere for Peter Mowbray. The whole war zone was getting blacker and blacker to his sight.

Dabnitz shook his head. "It's the enemy breaking through. Judenbach is to be abandoned pronto. Listen " The cavalry was in the street, carrying abroad the order for retreat.... They heard it plainly now, even the details. Hospitals not to be emptied, guns and ammunition not readily to be transported, must be destroyed. The final hell was started in the town.

Not until now did he think of Samarc.... The reality had stood like a black figure at the door of his brain throughout all the walk, but it did not enter until now. No, Samarc would not come back to Judenbach. It was finished as he had intended. He had ceased to kill.

"My compliments to the commander," he was dictating, " that after five advances we find enemy's front impregnable to infantry. Headquarters now under shrapnel fire. We are forced to withdraw toward Judenbach " The dispatch rider was standing by. The dirt sprinkled down on their heads through the wooden buttresses as another shrapnel broke outside. "But the wounded, General.

It suddenly appeared to him that life apart from these was bleak and a nothingness. To be caught in the great war-machine again, even with the superb loyalty of Boylan at his hand, had the grimness of death to his soul. Already he felt the new mastery of Judenbach, the hard insensitiveness of it the stone and iron of its nature, the ineffable cruelty of its meaning and morale....

I heard Kohlvihr explaining to the Commander's aide that the Austrians here had been reinforced; that they gave us Judenbach for the taking yesterday, in order to fall back into the hills beyond. The center and left, it appears, is clear, ready to fight on to Berlin or Budapest, but the whole line is held up for this right wing. Kohlvihr is desperate.

The Austrians were holding their own or better. It was the fiercest resistance which the Russian columns had as yet encountered. All afternoon wounded were brought back. It became more and more difficult to move among the cots in the building. So it was with all Judenbach that was not in ruins.

"They were at work all night," said Peter, "and were here for a little rest. The change this morning was effected before they were aware. We were helping. "You were helping?" the officer repeated. "There has been much to do in the hospitals. We have been in Judenbach this is the fourth day." "We will look at your passports yours and this gentleman's " The papers were produced.

His cave was well back in the shelter of the works sheltered from ahead and from the sky, with Judenbach behind.... Old Doltmir, the second in command, was saying: "It's a terrible price to pay, General a terrible price. You will note that they enfilade our lines as we reach the bottom land. You will note that their machines cover the valley perfectly and that they are practiced now "

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