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Updated: August 28, 2024

Have no fear; for I will guide you to the bride that awaits you. Then, standing there, all white and beautiful, the spirit held forth a symbol such as I had never before seen in the figure of a cross, and the spirit said: 'By this symbol shall she be known to you." "If this be so, you must need go," said Jans. "But are you well victualled?

He accordingly went boldly to the castle where the duke had established himself, and, asking for his steward, stated that he was a clockmaker from the workshop of the celebrated horologist, Master Jans Boerhoff, and could repair any clocks or watches that might be out of order. "Then you are the very man we need," the steward said.

In conformity with these sentiments of our gracious Sovereign, we deem it necessary to recommend to every possible assistance the bearer of this, Jans Haven, a member of the Moravian Brethren's Church, who has formed the laudable design of visiting these coasts, and if possible, to communicate the knowledge of religion to the poor ignorant heathen, and also endeavour to remove the prejudices which have prevented them from having a friendly intercourse with us.

Malcolm remained behind until his strength slowly returned. The colonel, before leaving, had bade him take his time before rejoining, as months would probably elapse before the regiment would again be fit for service. As soon as he was able to travel he journeyed to Nuremberg. On arriving at the abode of Jans Boerhoff he learned that Thekla was no longer an inmate of the family.

Providentially Jans Haven came to England in 1769 for the purpose of endeavouring to renew the mission, and meeting with Mikak, she immediately recognised him as an old acquaintance, who had formerly lodged in her tent, and expressed the most unbounded joy at meeting with a friend by whom her language was understood.

When night came, old Jans told him the quaint legends of the North, and his mother sang to him the lullabies she had heard when a little child herself in the far-distant East. And every night his mother held out to him the symbol in the similitude of the cross, and bade him kiss it ere he went to sleep. So Claus grew to manhood, increasing each day in knowledge and in wisdom.

They accordingly set out, under the guidance of an Esquimaux, Mannmoima, whose house they reached February 17th about mid-day, where, on account of the stormy weather, they were forced to remain. "If," says Jans Haven, in his diary, "our European sisters had only seen us here they would certainly have pitied us.

The estaminet still lived, but farther down the road the old house which had sheltered a field ambulance was a pile of rubbish. On we rode by La Couture to Estaires, where we dined, and so to St Jans Cappel.... Do you know what the Line means?

In the following summer there were above two hundred Esquimaux in thirty-seven tents near Nain, and they were so assiduous in their attendance on the meetings, that the new hall could not contain the crowd that anxiously pressed to hear, and some were entered among the candidates for baptism. Liebisch brought with him a commission for Jans Haven to commence a new settlement.

By the especial direction of Sir Hugh Palliser, Karpik was consigned to the care of Jans Haven for the purpose of being properly educated, that he might afterwards be employed in the important service of introducing Christianity, and the peaceful arts of civilized life, into the savage and inhospitable coasts of Labrador the Governor being deeply impressed with a sense of the great benefits to be derived from a well conducted mission among the wild tribes in the neighbourhood of the colony, with whom they meant to carry on a safe or a gainful traffic.

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