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Leezur came out to welcome me, and sat on the doorstep near. She was chopping salt codfish in a tray for dinner. When her knife struck a bone, she put on her glasses, and after deliberate and kindly research extracted it. "Did ye hear anything from Jaffy?" said the mellow, glad voice of Captain Leezur. "I'm inclined to think what you heard was true, captain.

"They told me all abeout Lot's wife, tew," said Captain Leezur, with grateful seriousness; "they've been great travellers, ye know; all abeout the appearance o' that location where she sot, an' heow it looked arfter she'd got up an' went, an' the aspec's o' Jaffy, an' all them interestin' partickalers, more'n what I ever heered from anybody afore."

"Ye'd orter put it on yer plackards then! D'ye s'pose I'd come to yer show ef I'd known that? Come along, Coffin! I'm goin' ter hang out outside, by clam! "No singing, either, sir, on the part of the audience. This company is from Boston, sir." "Is she?" said Captain Pharo, with blighting sarcasm, new-lighting his pipe preparatory to leaving the hall; "I thought she was from Jaffy!"

But I've heerd lately that she 's got up and went?" "I don't know," I murmured. "Yes; Nason was tellin' me how 't, the last time he went cruisin', he met a man 't 'd jest come from Jaffy, 't told him how 't Lot's wife had got up and went. "Wal, I was glad to hear on't. Moderation 's a virtu', even in all things.

Wal " "Speakin' o' Jaffy," said Captain Leezur; "somebody was tellin' me 't they'd heered how 't Lot's wife she that was turned into a pillar o' salt, ye know " "Ye'd orter see the hunks o' salt in Californy!" moaned triumphantly the spectre. "Had got up and went!" joyfully concluded Captain Leezur.

'Never mind whether I come from Maine or whether I come from Jaffy, says I, 'I come from sech a quarter of this 'arth as whar' coots is jest coots, says I." "Ye'd orter see the coots in Californy," wailed the voice of the shifty spectre on the outskirts. "Kind o' resemblin' cows in size, ain't they, Pershal?" "No, no; the biggest I ever seen was the size o' Shamgar's tom-turkey; but plenty?