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For a long time the body is repeatedly shaken, but in vain; the tibiæ, the hard claws refuse to yield to the patient saw. Sparrows and Mice grow dry and shrivel, unused, upon the gallows. My Necrophori, some sooner, some later, abandon the insoluble mechanical problem: to push, ever so little, the movable support and so to unhook the coveted carcase. Curious reasoners, in faith!

He was represented in social life by the poet, to whom he lent his tenacity and iron will. To him Lucien was more than a son, more than a woman beloved, more than a family, more than his life; he was his revenge; and as souls cling more closely to a feeling than to existence, he had bound the young man to him by insoluble ties.

The origin and the end of things are insoluble problems, in answering which no progress has yet been made in spite of man's long thought about them. Only that which lies intermediate between the two inscrutable termini of the world is an object of knowledge.

His clothes he wore until they all but dropped from him; and he worked in rain and mud, as well as dust and sun. It was this suffering and toiling all to no purpose that made him sour and irritable. He didn't see why he should have so little after so much hard work. He was puzzled to account for it all. His mind the average mind was weary with trying to solve an insoluble problem.

"It will take me a month, stiff as I am, to get things to rights." "An outrage!" said Indiman, soothingly. "Shall we have a try at crossing the 'Bridge'?" And forthwith they sat down to the great solitaire with the utmost amity. But again it did not come out; the combinations were insoluble. The next day we paid another visit to L. Hernandez.

In the same way the Protestant Reformation was used for a hundred years and the Reform Bill for a generation. At the present time the genius of the English for politics has selected as their insoluble political question the topic of the German indemnity.

True the problem of national existence was at stake, but this black problem of the possible degradation of our racial stock and our national character still lay back of it unsolved and possibly insoluble.

We are here brought face to face with an apparently insoluble enigma. Schiaparelli regards the "germination" of his canals as a periodical phenomenon depending on the Martian seasons.

Mill's explanation of the paradox is, that 'there are particular cases in which some other social duty is so important as to overrule any one of the general maxims of justice; but that in such cases we usually say, not that justice must give way to some other moral principle, but that what is just in ordinary cases is, by reason of that other principle, not just in the particular case. I submit, however, that there is no real occasion to resort to any such 'useful accommodation of language, in order to be 'saved from the necessity of admitting that there may be laudable injustice. Let us never shrink from looking error in the face, for fear that, after she has slunk away abashed, some insoluble mystery may remain behind.

The problem would have been insoluble had not the prestige of Rome declined considerably since the Middle Ages, a prestige which sprang from the fact that she was the capital of two Empires the spiritual Empire of the Papacy, and the secular Empire founded by Charles the Great.