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The right wing knew him, for he was with you in the Red River campaign. He died on a stretcher in command of the Corps in the chase after Hood. The old Second Division had its innings with General Corse, at Altoona, where the fighting has been immortalized in verse and song.

The chaps all went off on their 'bus cheering and Hooray, Hodson! what a day!" "Yes; but I say," said the lad, "Burr major's lost his watch." "His watch!" cried Mercer, giving quite a jump. "Oh!" "Yes; he left it in his waistcoat in the tent when he stripped for his innings, and when he felt for it some time after, it was gone." "Then he didn't miss it directly?" I said.

Let him pitch." Eliot turned, saw Springer, and looked relieved. "Wondered where you were," he said pleasantly. "I see you're ready for business. This is a five-inning game, and Grant has pitched two innings already; you can hand 'em up the last three." "But I haven't warmed up any," said Phil. "I couldn't get around any sooner." "There's no hurry," returned Roger.

The innings swiftly passed to the eighth with Chicago failing to score again, with Philadelphia failing to score at all. One scratch hit and a single, gifts to the weak end of the batting list, were all the lank pitcher allowed them. Long since the bleachers had crowned the Rube. He was theirs and they were his; and their voices had the peculiar strangled hoarseness due to over-exertion.

He hated himself for the thought; but jealousy, in the East, is a consuming fire.... Roy's monologue ceased abruptly. "Your innings, old chap, I think!" he said. "You're mum as a fish this afternoon. I noticed it in there I thought you'd have lots to say to Ramji Lal." Dyán frowned. He could not for long play at pretences with Roy. "Those ladies did all the saying.

The "popping-crease" and the "bowling-crease" having been white-washed on the turf the one marking the batsman's safety-ground, and the other the bowler's limits all is now ready for play. The captains toss a copper for choice of innings, and the winner may elect to send his men to the bat.

"What a jealous brute that Crawley is!" said Saurin, sitting down by Edwards. "Awful!" replied Edwards, not at all knowing why, but following Saurin blindfold, as he always did. "I was the only one who made any stand in the first innings, and yet he does not send me in early. He will keep me to the last, I daresay."

You've had a long innings." "Not yet, Sergeant Tom, though I love the Irish, and your company would make me happy. But I am so innocent, and the world it cannot spare me yet. But I think you come to smile on virtue, all the same, Sergeant Tom. She is beautiful is Jen Galbraith. Ah, that makes your eye bright so! You Riders of the Plains, you do two things at one time.

Such strange alleys do my thoughts run along when I am woolgathering in the field. It must be admitted that Honion was by this time a failure. Radley was doing what he liked with the bowling. By six-thirty the score stood at 180, and the Masters only required 70 to save them from the innings defeat. There was an hour before them, and they had five wickets in hand. But the light was not so good.

Another took his place, and helped Burr major to make a little longer stand, but the spirit had gone out of his play, which became more and more cautious. He stole one here and sent the ball for one there, but made no more brilliant hits for threes and fours. At last after a good innings the fresh man was clean bowled, and another took his place. "Last of 'em," said Mercer.