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But it is a reflection, moreover, peculiarly consoling, that, whilst wars are generally aggravated by their baneful effects on the internal improvements and permanent prosperity of the nations engaged in them, such is the favored situation of the United States that the calamities of the contest into which they have been compelled to enter are mitigated by improvements and advantages of which the contest itself is the source.

It has been the curse of the planters, even of those who have kept out of debt, for it has prevented such unity of action among them as must have before this enabled them to effect important improvements.

This locomotive power was extremely convenient at Cincinnati, as the constant improvements going on there made it often desirable to change a wooden dwelling for one of brick; and whenever this happened, we were sure to see the ex No.100 of Main-street or the ex No.55 of Second street creeping quietly out of town, to take possession of a humble suburban station on the common above it.

The sorrows of life necessary to soften and humanize the heart The excitement of social sympathy often produce characters of a higher order than the mere possessors of talents Moral evil probably necessary to the production of moral excellence Excitements from intellectual wants continually kept up by the infinite variety of nature, and the obscurity that involves metaphysical subjects The difficulties in revelation to be accounted for upon this principle The degree of evidence which the scriptures contain, probably, best suited to the improvements of the human faculties, and the moral amelioration of mankind The idea that mind is created by excitements seems to account for the existence of natural and moral evil.

If we were fully to illustrate and sustain the latter inference, we should be required to review the improvements made in other implements of farming, as well as in ploughs.

The rise of the new states in the West, and the appearance of the steamboat on the Mississippi, were the causes of a great revival of public interest in internal improvements. The first to build a great western highway was New York state, which, between 1817 and 1825, built the Erie Canal.

At first he devoted himself to studying the subject, and ere long there was not a method of raising a sunken vessel, of building a difficult breakwater, of repairing a complicated damage to a pier, or a well, or anything else subaqueous, with which he was not thoroughly acquainted, and in regard to which he had not suggested or carried out bold and novel plans and improvements, both in regard to the machinery employed and the modes of action pursued.

Here he went into technicalities about his new machine-gun, but further on reverted to the Spad: "She loops wonderfully. Her spin is a bit lazy and irregular, but deliciously soft." The letter concludes with many suggestions for minor improvements. His correspondence with M. Béchereau was entirely devoted to a study of airplanes: he never wandered from the subject.

If the automaton could decide to slacken or increase its rate of speed, to go or to stop as it liked and where it liked above all, if it could aim at and devise improvements in its own mechanism so as to make itself a better automaton it would then be appropriate to speak of it as free; only it would no longer be appropriate to call it an automaton.

LACK OF IMPROVEMENTS IN MACHINES. It is remarkable that not one single forward step has been taken to improve the type of flying machines for the past five years. They possess the same shape, their stabilizing qualities and mechanism for assuring stability are still the same.