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Updated: August 14, 2024

'Oh, certainly not, said Mr. Humm. 'I should advise him not to, Sir; I should advise him not, said Mr. Stiggins. By this time the audience were perfectly silent, and waited with some anxiety for the resumption of business. 'Will you address the meeting, brother? said Mr. Humm, with a smile of invitation. 'No, sir, rejoined Mr. Stiggins; 'No, sir. I will not, sir.

The monthly meetings of the Brick Lane Branch of the United Grand Junction Ebenezer Temperance Association were held in a large room, pleasantly and airily situated at the top of a safe and commodious ladder. The president was the straight-walking Mr. Anthony Humm, a converted fireman, now a schoolmaster, and occasionally an itinerant preacher; and the secretary was Mr.

This trio comprised Mr. Bernard Wilkins, the Prophet from the Rise; Madame Charlotte Humm, the crystal-gazer from the Hill; and Professor Elijah Chapman, the nose-reader from the Butts. No sooner was the news of the arrival of these great and notorious people bruited abroad through the magnificent saloons of Zoological House than Mrs.

'He may approach, I think, said Mr. Humm, looking round him, with a fat smile. 'Brother Tadger, let him come forth and greet us. The little man in the drab shorts who answered to the name of Brother Tadger, bustled down the ladder with great speed, and was immediately afterwards heard tumbling up with the Reverend Mr. Stiggins. 'He's a-comin', Sammy, whispered Mr.

But, Sir, I am to let you know that I am, when I get abroad, a Leader of the Servants: I am he that keep Time with beating my Cudgel against the Boards in the Gallery at an Opera; I am he that am touched so properly at a Tragedy, when the People of Quality are staring at one another during the most important Incidents: When you hear in a Crowd a Cry in the right Place, an Humm where the Point is touched in a Speech, or an Hussa set up where it is the Voice of the People; you may conclude it is begun or joined by, T. SIR, Your more than Humble Servant, Thomas Trusty

Humm, holding up his hand in a deprecatory manner, to bespeak the silence of such of the stout old ladies as were yet a line or two behind; 'my friends, a delegate from the Dorking Branch of our society, Brother Stiggins, attends below. Out came the pocket-handkerchiefs again, in greater force than ever; for Mr. Stiggins was excessively popular among the female constituency of Brick Lane.

Her name was the Doctor Humm, which seem a great favorite with they Crappos, and her skipper had a queer name too, as if he was two men in one, for he called himself 'Jacks'; a fellow about forty year old, as I hauled out of the sea with a boat-hook one night on the Varners.

Eliza!" cried Mr. Sagittarius, in great excitement. "That's the soothsayer from the Beck!" "Madame Charlotte Humm!" yelled the footman. "Madame Humm!" vociferated Mr. Sagittarius, "the crystal-gazer from the Hill!" "Professor Elijah Chapman!" bawled the footman. "The nose-reader!" piped Mr. Sagittarius. "The nose-reader from the Butts!"

Upon this, the women set up a loud and dismal screaming; and rushing in small parties before their favourite brothers, flung their arms around them to preserve them from danger. An instance of affection, which had nearly proved fatal to Humm, who, being extremely popular, was all but suffocated, by the crowd of female devotees that hung about his neck, and heaped caresses upon him.

Next morning's tide, the Doctor Humm cleared out, and I had no other chance of discourse with Moosoo Jacks. But I want to know what you think, Cappen Zeb." "So you shall," said the captain of Springhaven, sternly. "I think you had better call your Moosoo Jacks 'Master Jackass, or 'Master Jackanapes, and put your own name on the back of him.

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