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"Faith, Tom, me bhoy," he would say to me, "Oi can't say howivver ye can go fur to do it, sure, a gossoon loike yersilf who's got a carrackter fur to loose; aye, an' fur sich a dirthy, nasty thing as thit, a- spillin' the tasthe ov good ghrub, so thit ye can't tell whither ye're aitin' spuds or pay doo.

Howivver, gentlemen, ye can put yer minds at ease we'll investigate the circumstances, as the sayin' goes, before noon tomorrow." "One other matter," remarked Prydale. "We want things kept quiet. We don't want all the folk of the neighbourhood round about, you know." "Leave it to me," answered Shepherd. "There'll be me, and these men, and yourselves and a pair of grapplin' irons.

Then a dining-table spread for supper was seen, and a few chairs. Everything here was as cheap and nasty as in the drawing-room, including the china and glass on the table. Thyrza pointed to the ceiling. "That's a pity howivver!" she said. "Yo' might ha' had it mended up a bit, Mr. Tyson. Why t' rats will be coomin' through!"

"But it's a creepy old place howivver. I'd not live here if I was paid. What does Muster Melrose want wi' coomin' here? He's got lots o' money, Mr. Tyson says. He'll nivver stay. What was the use o' turnin' father out, an' makkin' a lot o' trouble?"

But we're about through wi' this side, howivver." He pointed to the east wing. "One can see now what a jolly old place it is," said Tatham, pausing in the gateway to survey the scene. Backhouse grinned responsively. "I do believe, my lord, Muster Melrose hissel' is pleased. He stood a lang while lookin' at it this morning, afore he started oot."

"I'm sorry for yez," returned Malone, "for I'm afeared we'll have to skrag the wan half of ye to keep the other half in order. In a spik an' span noo settlement, where ivvery wan thinks he may do as he likes, the laws has to be pritty stiff. We've wan comfort, howivver the quane is marciful." The Irishman was right in both his views on this subject, as the sequel will show.