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If I let you make love to me, I keep my job. Is that it?" "Why no I to tell the truth I was only " "Don't embarrass yourself. I just want to tell you that before I'd accept your auto ride I'd open a little fancy art goods and needlework store in Menominee, Michigan, and get out the newest things in Hardanger work and Egyptian embroidery. And that's my notion of zero in occupation.

Now we are nearing the Hardanger Fjord; we pass through the narrow straits known as the Löksund, and we enter the fjord. Glorious and ever-changing views open out before us, as hour after hour the steamer passes from one small station to another, dropping a mail-bag, and perhaps a passenger or two.

Friedhof held up his hands in amazement. "Ah! most surely you forget," he exclaimed, using the picturesque expressions of his native speech, "that this is the sleeping time of the sun! Even at the Hardanger Fjord it is dark and silent, the falling streams freeze with cold on their way; and if it is so at the Hardanger, what will it be at the Alten?

Some of the rocks thus transported are of immense weight, and the torrent is powerless to move them; year by year, therefore, the jumbled heap of boulders and rocks is added to until it often grows to an enormous size. Another fine snowfield in the Hardanger district is the Jökul, a splendid white dome, whose melting snows help to swell the Vöringfos.

"So you are not uneasy, Joel?" "No, Hulda, no. It is annoying, of course, but these delays are very common. No; I am not uneasy, for there is really not the slightest cause for anxiety." On the 19th a traveler arrived at the inn, and asked for a guide to conduct him over the mountains to the Hardanger, and though Joel did not like the idea of leaving Hulda, he could not refuse his services.

I don't stand still in the middle of a deal and snivel about what I can do and what I can't do. I don't snivel about what you call moral obligations. I only recognize money obligations. Why, see here, Alexander," he broke off, "if you use the influence you spoke of, you don't have to tell me what it is you don't have to tell anybody but Hardanger.

There had been many of those "iron nights," as the Norwegian peasants call them nights of north-easterly gales and ice that kill the corn down to the very root and that meant ruin to the farmers of the Telemark and the Hardanger. Still, whatever Dame Hansen might think of the situation of affairs, she had never said a word to any living soul, not even to her children.

For several years he now chose to live at Lofthus, a tiny village, situated on a branch of the Hardanger Fjord. It is said no spot could have been more enchanting. The little study, consisting of one room, where the composer could work in perfect quiet, was perched among the trees above the fjord, with a dashing waterfall near by.

"Go away again to-morrow!" repeated Hulda. "Yes, early in the morning. On leaving the Hardanger I was informed by a comrade that a traveler, coming from the north by way of the Rjukanfos would arrive to-morrow." "Who is this traveler?" "I don't know his name, but I must be on hand to conduct him to Dal." "Ah, well! go, then, as there is no help for it," replied Hulda, with a sigh.

Upon his head he wore a broad-brimmed brown hat with a red-and-black band, and his legs were usually incased either in coarse cloth gaiters or in long stout boots without heels. His vocation was that of a mountain guide in the district of the Telemark, and even in the Hardanger.