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Master Peter, eyed and appraised by the searching scrutiny of Halfman, resolved himself into a thick-set, boorish fellow, whose flying forehead, little, angry eyes, and assertive, yellow teeth made him, to Halfman's mind, resemble nothing in the world so much as a boar's head on an ale-house sign.

I have seen hot service in hot lands; have helped to take towns and helped to hold towns, and if it be your pleasure, as it will be your prudence, to avail of my aid, I will show you how we can maintain this place against an army." Brilliana rested her hands on the table, and, leaning forward, looked steadily into Halfman's face. He accepted the scrutiny steadily; he was all in all her servant.

"What of Master Peter Rainham?" Brilliana shrugged again. "A dull, sullen skinflint waiting on event." Halfman's inventory was not complete. "You have yet a third neighbor," he said, "and, as I heard, a prodigal in protestation. What of Sir Blaise Mickleton?" Brilliana's lips twitched with a derisive smile. "Sir Blaise, honest gentleman, loves good cheer and good ease.

"Pray you, withdraw your prisoner a little." Halfman rose, bearing Evander's sword, and went to Evander. "Will you come this way?" he bade his captive, courteously enough. If Brilliana chose to trust a Roundhead's word, her will was Halfman's law. Evander again saluted Brilliana and followed Halfman to the farther part of the hall.

Evander smilingly complimented Mistress Satchell on the excellence of her table, to the good dame's great gratification. But much to Tiffany's indignation he paid little heed to her pretty face. The vane of Halfman's attitude towards the captive had veered strongly in the past half-hour.

Through the yew portal Halfman came, gravity reigning in his eyes and slaking their wild fire. He saluted Brilliana with the deep reverence he always showed to his fair general. Brilliana turned to her adjutant eagerly: "Master Halfman, Master Halfman," she cried, "how do you measure our rebel?" Halfman's gravity lightened amazingly at the thought of his prisoner.

"But I must pick my time, look you." On this, Brilliana became emphatic. "No time like the present. It is to my certain knowledge that Master Paul is away from home to-day." Again she looked to Halfman for support, and again Halfman yielded it blithely. "Ay, he has gone hawking," he declared; "he will not be home this great while." Halfman's confirmation decided Master Peter. "Why, I go at once.