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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Roundabout man, roundabout way," remarked Uncle Jake, by way of explaining his presence in Gullettsville. "My house is away an' beyan' frum Poteet's, but I says to myself, s' I, in obejunce to the naked demands of the law I'll go this day an' git me a jug er licker that's bin stomped by the Govunment, an' hide it an' my wickedness, ez you may say, in league's hoss-stable.

There was something of pleasurable excitement in knowing themselves part of a "Congregation," for a Congregation was distantly connected with "metropolis" and "govunment," and an important kind of thing at any time. They stood and watched it. It scattered slowly, loth to separate and go. There was no hurry certainly.

In personal disagreements, for instance they never "squabbled" the final insult was to say, "My dear, you're as silly as a something-or- other Radical Govunment," for there was no answer to this anywhere in the world. Come-Back Stumper, therefore, though casual outsiders might never have guessed it, was a valuable ally.

They regarded London as a terrible place, though a necessity: Daddy's office was there; Christmas and Birthday presents came from London, but also it was where the Radical govunment lived an enormous, evil, octopus kind of thing that made Daddy poor. Weeden, too, had been known to say dark things with regard to selling vegetables, hay, and stuff.

When ominous clouds piled up on that northern horizon, floating imperceptibly towards them, it was a fragment of London that had broken off and come rolling along to hover above the old Mill House. A very black cloud was the Seat of Govunment.

Friends! you uv got my good wishes, one an' all!" "What's a-gwine on?" asked Poteet. "The same," responded Uncle Jake, after swallowing his dram. "Allers the same. Wickedness pervails wellnigh unto hit's own jestiflcation. I uv seed sights! You all know the divers besettings wher'by Jackson Ricks wuz took off this season gone murdered I may say, in the teeth of the law an' good govunment. Sirs!

Yes, frien's, them wuz the words. 'Let the licker be stomped by the Govunment for the sakes of the young chap, s' I, 'an' I'll hide the jug along er my wickedness in Teague's hoss-stable. So then, frien's, yess be a sojourneyin', an' ef you feel the needance er somethin' quick an' strong for to brace you for endurance, make your way to the lot, an' feel behin' the stable-door an' watch out for the kickin' mule!

He was a very important man somewhere; Daddy was just in the Stationery Office, but Uncle Felix was an author, and the very title necessarily included awe. He wrote "storical-novuls." His name was often in the newspapers. They connected him with the "Govunment." It had to do somewhere with the Police. No one trifled with Uncle Felix.

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