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Butter and radishes, in two plates, were at each end of the table; pickled gherkins and horse-radish completed the spread, which won Madam Hochon's approbation. The good old woman gave a contented little nod when she saw that her husband had done things properly, for the first day at least. The old man answered with a glance and a shrug of his shoulders, which it was easy to translate into

Suzanna, arranging the pantry the next morning, sought her mother upstairs with a domestic announcement. "The vinegar bottle is empty," she said. "And the gherkins all ready," cried Mrs. Procter. "Will you run over to Mrs. Reynolds and ask her for some vinegar, Suzanna?" Listlessly, Suzanna returned downstairs, and from the pantry procured a cup.

The commandant himself authorised the reservation of this kitchen to provide for such prisoners as possess ample means. Here is the extra menu for January 5, 1917: Lunch: Italian dumplings; roast veal; salad and gherkins. Dinner: Soup "parmentier"; fish croquettes; braised beef with cabbage. The meals are served at: Breakfast, half-past seven. Lunch, one o'clock. Dinner, half-past five.

Lisa cried to him. She generally gave him some gherkins, of which he was extremely fond; and he ate them, laughing in a childish way, whilst he stood in front of the counter. The sight of the handsome mistress of the shop filled him with rapture; he often clapped his hands with joy and began to jump about and vent little cries of pleasure, like a child delighted at something shown to it.

Lisa, who was already irritated, played impatiently with the handles of the knives, and told her that the galantine was truffled, and that she could only include it in an "assortment" at three francs the pound. Madame Lecoeur, however, continued to pry into the dishes, trying to find something else to ask for. When the "assortment" was weighed she made Lisa add some jelly and gherkins to it.