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This may be an illusion, but it tells us of the primary intensity of the painter's vision. Withal, there is no scene of the merely spectral, no optical trickery. The waves of light are magnetic. The picture floats in space, seemingly compelled by its frame into limits. Gustave Geffroy once wrote that, in common with the great masters, Carrière, on his canvas, gives a sense of volume and weight.

Geffroy is another, possessing sufficient merit to escape condemnation. As comic actors they have Regnier who may be placed upon the moderate list; Samson is certainly much better, and in fact by no means destitute of talent, which may decidedly be also stated of Firmin; Provost is likewise a very passable actor.

Thus you will be the only person upon whom I shall rely for the entire conduct of this affair." Rome, 27th December, 1700. Collection of M. Geffroy, p. 88. Each difficulty is seen to vanish, one after another, under the combined efforts of secret influence and patient and persistent suppleness.

At the left of the entrance, separated by a large, high mirror which faced the fireplace, two other canvases, signed by Geffroy, represent the foyer itself, in costumes of the classic repertoire, the greater part of the eminent modern 'societaires', colleagues and contemporaries of the great painter.

She went so far as to say to the Princess, "It is not agreeable to us here that women should busy themselves with state affairs." Louis XIV., himself, advised his grandson to abandon Spain in order to keep Italy. Recueil de M. Geffroy, p. 395.

Collection of M. Geffroy, p. 457. The Archbishop of Seville, Arias, who was of the same politics, was shortly afterwards sent back to his diocese. The Duke de Montellano replaced him in the presidency of Castile, and a Papal brief, obtained some months after his disgrace, enjoined him not to quit Seville again.

"A lents tours de roue." St. Simon, tom. vii. Recueil of M. Geffroy, Letter lvi. This conduct allayed the mutterings of the spent tempest. The court grew accustomed to behold in her an unfortunate noblewoman resigned to her exile with an antique patience.

For the oath, Turgot, i. 217; vii. 314, 317. See also Dareste, vii. 20, Lefranc de Pompignan, i. 132. Geffroy, i. 410; ii. 85. Droz, ii. 38. Sallier, Annales francaises, 136 n. The majority was 94 to 17. It was not against Protestants alone that the clergy showed their activity.

I submit this idea to your prudent judgment, and should it appear to you right, you can turn it to what account you like, for you are more clever than I am." Collection of M. Geffroy, p. 90. The trenches thus cleverly opened, the fair besiegers were not likely to fail of ultimate success.

At the left of the entrance, separated by a large, high mirror which faced the fireplace, two other canvases, signed by Geffroy, represent the foyer itself, in costumes of the classic repertoire, the greater part of the eminent modern 'societaires', colleagues and contemporaries of the great painter.