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SIR: I have respectfully to request that you will surrender the city of Memphis to the authority of the United States, which I have the honor to represent. I am, Mr. Mayor, with high respect, your most obedient servant, C. H. DAVIS, Flag-Officer Commanding. To his Honor, the Mayor of Memphis. To this note the following reply was received: MAYOR'S OFFICE, MEMPHIS, June 6, 1862.

"Captain Breaker was consulted in regard to you, though he was not asked to name a commander, for the flag-officer had thought of you himself, and no doubt he had just been reading your report of your voyage to the Gulf in the Bronx," said Paul, laughing. "I don't see how he could do otherwise than select you, Christy." "You are chaffing me, Paul, as you do sometimes," said Christy with a smile.

Had the fastest British ships, under a competent flag-officer, utilized that time and that wind, there was, to put the case most mildly, the chance that they could repeat, upon the French rear, the same part the "Agamemnon" alone had played with the "Ça Ira," and such a chance, were it no more, should not have been dawdled with. "Missed the opportunity," the fatal words, "it might have been."

Such as they were, he kept them to himself, however, and in a man-of-war's boat, when a flag-officer chooses to be silent, it is a matter of course for his inferiors to imitate his example.

On the morning of the 15th, before it was yet broad day, a messenger from Flag-officer Foote handed me a note, expressing a desire to see me on the flag-ship and saying that he had been injured the day before so much that he could not come himself to me. I at once made my preparations for starting.

"I desire to call your attention to the first of the two reports I submit, for the first battle I was called upon to fight was on board of the Bronx." "On board of the Bronx!" exclaimed the flag-officer. "Do you mean that you had a mutiny to suppress?"

Ensign Flint was appointed to the command of the Bronx by the flag-officer, who had called upon Captain Passford in his stateroom. Christy had not failed to commend his executive officer in the highest terms. The commodore suggested that Christy could not be very kindly disposed towards Captain Battleton of the Vernon, on account of his decision against him in the matter of his identity.

Galvinne; I had heard so much about sealed orders in the instructions given me for this undertaking, that I was under the impression that they were not to be seen till the time marked on the envelope." "It is not necessary to obey the orders of the Yankee flag-officer under present circumstances," answered Mr. Galvinne in a chuckling tone, as it sounded to the listener.

After further and severe bombardment of the forts, the flag-officer gave notice to the steam-vessels of the squadron, of his determination to break the chain and run past the forts, engage the rebel fleet, and having defeated it, ascend the river to New Orleans, and capture that city. It was a most daring movement.

Spokeley is to go to New York in the Vernon, and the doctor of the store-ship is appointed to the Bronx." "Dr. Connelly!" exclaimed Christy. "Just so; and I dare say he is asleep in his stateroom at this moment." "Then we had better obey the sealed orders of the flag-officer; we will come about, and head her for St. Andrew's.